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Member it safe?

I've been reading on the e-cigarette and I'm seeing lots of controversial data about it's safety.  This seems like a fantastic way of coping without cigarettes although it does seem like it keeps you in the habit of having one in your hand/mouth.  Any ideas on this product?  My quit date is Feb. 4th so I could use all the help I can get!  Thanks!

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7 Respuestas

I don't know anything about the health effects, but my uncle has been using one for a few months now. He says that it is relatively easy to use (like changing the nicotine cartridges) and he was able to smoke in the house and the car without rolling the window down. I haven't used one myself, but I liked it because there was no secondhand smoke. That's about all I know about it! Good luck!

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I used one for the first 6 weeks of my quit~


Buy the type with refillable cartridge, and learn how to use the thing BEFORE your quit.  Use it while still smoking and you will  see how  nasty cigarettes REALLY are~

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My husband and me used the e-cigarettes the last time we quit (LOL).  They do work - we are just really stubborn or really don't want to quit (I love my cigs)!  I found the replacement cartridges already "loaded" were not as effective as refilling cartridges.  I didn't make it as far as trying different flavors.  I have a new quit date, been on the Zyban for a week now, have my gum, lozenges and e-cigs READY !!

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My Wife and I quit Jan 2nd with E-Cigs or E-Smokes. It has been different this time as opposed to last year when we quit . We decided that we were only going to smoke E-Smokes and never ever break over and smoke a regular cigarette again. We will no longer send Phillip Morris $300.00 a month thats a new car or boat payment or a trip to hawaii next year by saving the money we spent on Marlboros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Its working so far. We ordered the Johnsoncreeksmokejuice sampler pack. They have wonderful flavors like Chocolate truffel Tennesee cured and arctic mint mint chocolate black cherry. anyhow  you dont smoke e-cigs like regular cigs. We only do a few puffs when we are craving a smoke. Since the E-Smoke isnt on Fire  you dont have to smoke it until its gone. Just till you are satisfied. we have noticed that we are even smoking the e-cig less and less as the past nine days have went by, They even make no nicotine e liquid . E-mail me if you want more info.

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I'm a e-cig user and I gotta say it does work as far as the little oral and doing something with your hand fixes. I think its great to use. My only problem is not cheating and saying goodbye to my ashtray smelly friends and say hello to vaping (e-cigs).

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This is where I ordered my e-cig, the whole bill came to 55.80, that was with a 30ml refill of e-liquid, and the e-cig, plus an extra battery and 5 cartridges. I love it. When my e-liqid is gone, which at the rate I smoke it, (not too often)I am going to order the Non-Nicotine E-liquid. The E-liquid is 17.00. I won't need to order it for at least 3 months. I am saving so much money, and I do not stink anymore. I haven't even craved a real cigarette since I have been using the e-cig. I reccommend it!

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I have been smoke free for 2 weeks now using the Joye 510 e cigarette. I smoked for 15 years. It kills my cravings and I don't stink anymore. I can also use it indoors! I got 2 for $40 from It has been the most popular model I have seen for a while so I decided to get it. You can definitely quit with the e cig if it has good vapor production. The 510 is among the best rated on the web.

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