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Give and get support around quitting


E-Cig Users

i think what ever your doing to quit is GREAT....who cares what anyone else says, about your method to quit...godd luck and stay strong

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61 Respuestas

Hi sillywahine,  I just wanted to know if you are using nicotine gum and the e-cigaretees?  I tried to quit last week by just using the ecigarettes by themselves, and I felt major nicotine withdrawal!!!  I did not have a good day.  I love my blu-cigs, but is it safe to use them with the gum?  I appreciate your help.  You are doing great!!!  3 days , that's awesome!!!  Keep it up!

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This weekend is my 1 year anniversary of not smoking analog cigarettes. I have been using the e-cig all year, I am a vapor and I love it. I am reducing the nicotine levels in my juices. But, I can see me continuing to vape even after I have reduced my nicotine level to zero. I enjoy the flavors available when using an e-cig. I no longer use tobacco flavors, in fact after 1 month of vaping I quit tobacco flavors. I use a few different models.  I started with an In-Life Regal, and soon found out I could get a better value from other models. So, I found an online vendor at and I purchase all my supplies through them. Most of my batteries lasted about a year(I just replaced a few last month). I have saved a ton of money, and I feel like a non-smoker. I breathe easier, I have high energy, and I feel all around much better than I did without smoking. I smell better, my teeth are cleaner, my gums are not as sensitive to cold as they used to be. There are a host of reasons to try this method. For me smoking was not just about the nicotine, it was the ritual behind it, handeling the cigarette, lighting it, etc. The e--cig provides the ritual. As far as the FDA is concerned it is not a quit smoking device, but an alternative nicotine delivery system, but if you reduce your nic level to zero, then you are not even getting nicotine, but still have the enjoyment of inhaling and exhaling a smoke like substance(vapor). I have recommended friends of mine try it and I have at least 5 friends that have eliminated analog cigarettes from their lives by using the e-cig.   You might find this article interesting at the FDA site. .

Good luck to anyone trying to quit using any method you choose. If you choose the e-cig, and have any questions, I would be glad to try to help.


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I tried the Volcano brand and didnt have any problems. My  only beef was it is not as light weight as a cig. Real cigs are light as feathers. So, I purchased a Best E-cig and it is somewhat lighter in weight but longer.I got  the real long one.  Its longer than a real 100 cig.So far, so good and much cheaper than Volcano.Still cant hang it out of mouth to type w/o using your teeth. That stinks. I dont have any nicotine in mine. I thnik they are super cool, although my 11 year old is not convinced I ordered "No nicotine." He thinks even if they say" No NIc" that there are still traces in there. He is so against cigarettes and I quit again yesterday because we had quite an emotional heated discussion that we both ended up in tears. Something I will never forget. And cant see myself  ever buying  another real pack again, because I accidently blurted out something I should have never ,never said  about his father. Feeling like I should put myself in dog house and stay out all winter with no food. It was bad. Very bad.  But I guess God got my attention. I crushed the whole pack and threw them in trash

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Hi All, The e-cig has been working for me for 4 weeks. I am beginning to wonder if I am going to have this forever.

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where have all the vaporers gone? maybe same place as myself. battery on e-cig died a week ago and still not smoking, maybe that's what happened to everyone else!

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I have been vaping for 2 weeks and love it! I don't even want to smoke real cigarettes anymore, they taste nasty and stink!!!

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I have been quit now for 8 days using the V2 e-cig and I love it! 

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My husband and I are smoke free 4 weeks now. We tried everything to quit and failed until we ordered our ecigarette systems at I bought one for my mom for mothers day. She hasn't smoked in 11 days. I'm so happy the 3 of us are smoke free. I feel great. I can breathe better, taste better and the smell of cigarette smoke is now offensive to me.

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that is wonderful news! Congrats! 🙂

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I haven't had a cigarette since I started using the e-cig 🙂

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