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Drinking and Smoking. I know it's a trigger but what to do??!!!

I have a really tough question I was hoping could be answered...I've identified one of my major triggers which has hurt me many many times before when i've tried to's drinking...I'm 24 yrs old and I drink around 3-4 times a week and it's a major trigger for me. I really love having a cigarette while drinking because of the nice buzz it gives and i've been doing it since i've started smoking. All of my other triggers I have identified other things to try instead, but with drinking, I really cant think of any thing to do instead...I really do want to quit, but this is the one trigger i'm scared of. My friends smoke while drinking, and most drugs you cant take if you've been drinking...last time i tried to leave when i felt the urge. Any suggestions would be awesome, I dont think i can set a quit date until i identify a real substitute for this particular trigger...thank you for your help...


Hey yall, I was asked to close this discussion since it has been going on for awhile. i slipped up once awhile back and was gone for awhile, but I came back a few weeks ago and as of today, I havent smoked for 18 days and feel great, I went out once to a bar last weekend and wasnt tempted at all to smoke, so that felt pretty awesome, still get cravings sometimes at night, but like I mentioned I been running them off and it works great. Anyway I really wanted to thank yall again for all your kind messages and suggestions, you've all been great, and I'm sure I will continue to be smoke free.
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43 Replies

Hi I am Sarah. Drinking is my worst trigger too. Try drinking something different instead of what you might normally drink. For a while when I first quit I ate jolly ranchers while I was drinking and that helped. It has been about 3 months for me and I noticed I still not can drink as much as I used to until I feel more cconfortable with not smoking. Also, holding a straw like a ciggarrette helps. If that does not work, try not drinking for a while. If that is not an option, cut down and only allow yourself so many to eventually you cut down to nothing. Its your mind that has the most control. Make up your mind and be stubborn about it and you will win the battle. Good Luck.
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Our inhibitions are weakened when we drink. So, even if we are able to quit smoking, when we drink, it's easier to give in to those inhibitions. I have been able to drink and not smoke. But there have been other times that I just give in. You might have to take the advice of others and stay away from the drinking - until you've been off the smokes for a while and can handle being around cigarettes without wanting one.
Good Luck!!
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ive quit before and your right drinking is the biggest trigger of them all especially if you drink alot. honestly the best thing to do i think is to just quit drinking or cut down on your drinking. or chew some gum when you feel the urge for a cig. they say your supoosed to avoid major triggers like places you often smoked at for at least a month after quitting. the bar is a hard on i know im 22 and im a big drinker. you just have to realize whats important to you and focus on making that happen. ❤️
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Hey yall, I was asked to close this discussion since it has been going on for awhile. i slipped up once awhile back and was gone for awhile, but I came back a few weeks ago and as of today, I havent smoked for 18 days and feel great, I went out once to a bar last weekend and wasnt tempted at all to smoke, so that felt pretty awesome, still get cravings sometimes at night, but like I mentioned I been running them off and it works great. Anyway I really wanted to thank yall again for all your kind messages and suggestions, you've all been great, and I'm sure I will continue to be smoke free.
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