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Dreaming of smoking

I quit smoking 109 days ago but for the past few nights I keep having very vivid dreams that I am still smoking. It seems so real that I wake up thinking I slipped up and started smoking again. Has anyone else had these dreams?

Etiquetas (2)
0 Kudos
16 Respuestas

Yes ... smoking dreams are common in our quit journey...I have had a couple...and so have many here at Ex’s...if you go to the top right hand side of this page and click on the magnifier and then enter “smoking dreams” you will see so many posts written on this subject...The good part ... they are only dreams...~ Colleen 346 DOF

Congratulations on 109 Days Quit...WTG 


They are so common we gave them a name:  Smokemares!  You can also search for lots of good information with the magnifying glass using that term!

Rather than let them upset you, try to celebrate when you awaken that they were ONLY a dream!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes and they’re sometimes tagged #smokemare‌ as well. 


EX Community Admin Team

Yup. I'm 45 days in and just had one myself. So very vivid. I dunno why I didn't think to bring it up here. Glad you asked. I'm gonna go read about smokemares now

Good job staying quit!


I had the same thing happen earlier this week. It felt so real that even though I woke up and realized it was only a dream, I still felt a tinge of guilt/failure for several minutes.


Me too! The feeling lingered for quite a while because it felt so real! It really does help to know we're not alone in this.

0 Kudos

Yes, first 2 nights of quit I had the smokemares, but stopped after that!  So far anyway, lol 


Oh yes!   Many MANY smoking dreams.  A few nightmares where I awakened in a panic thinking I'd smoked, but usually I just smoked in my dreams and didn't really care that I'd lied to everybody.  Have no idea why I felt that way.  We're all different.  But even now, 13 years after I quit, I still have a smoking dream - mmmm probably once a month.  Not nasty dreams, just -  I'm smoking in them and I usually don't feel panicked, more just curious about it all. Or just - an "awareness" in the dream that I'm smoking and...  Actually lately, interestingly, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about smoking.  Which has never been true with most of my smoking dreams in the past.  So, for me, my smoking dreams have morphed over the many years I've been quit and seem to continue to be changing. 

You are definitely not alone in having them. Welcome to the smoking dream club!  See if they change for you as you continue on this journey.  Kudos on the 110 days.  Pretty darn neat!


Thank you for continuing your support this long into your quit. It means a lot to us newbies.