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Give and get support around quitting


Down in the Dumbs but............

Today was an odd day for me.  I felt blah, kind of out of sorts.  In the past I would smoke until I looked like a chimney.  I 'thought' it helped.  I did not feel that way today.  I didn't crave for a smoke, nor did I even entertain the notion to Want a cig.

  It was all work related. I own my business and have been trying to figure out ways to keep improving the salon.  Well, they say an Angel listens when you are in need and today my Angel didn't only listen but got me in touch with a new hire that will be doing manicures and pedicures.  Thank God I didn't give in or have an urge to smoke.  

 Today was a Great day and tomorrow will be even better

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It is normal to feel a little down from time to time but when you realize and accept  the fact that smoking will not improve or  change anything, you have learned a valuable lesson.  WTG Ralph!


That is a great  "mindset" Ralph to remember that smoking like a chimney wouldn't help. Also, getting through a bad day without a crave is progress! So, today was a good day relative to your quit! When you stop smoking your brain stops getting that quick dopamine fix. There are other ways to replace that.

7 Ways to Boost Dopamine, Focus and Energy 


You did it Ralph! Bravo! Congrats on protecting your beautiful qui!


SWEET!  That's what my kids say when things go right...SWEET, Ralph.  I am happy for you.  Congratulations on knowing that smoking would not help anything!



GREAT news!

(and better still that you learned you didn't need to smoke over it!!!)


Way to go, Ralph   I so like your attitude!!


I am glad things worked out for your good. NOPE will always keep you free. 


Yay, learning a little bit with every step, every hour, every minute!  You are on your way, there are bumps in the road, but as long as you see your objective crystal clear ahead of you, the bumps will be barely noticeable anymore.

Great job!


It’s quite the roller coaster ride isn’t it? On another note as I was getting ready for bed I went to take the patch off and to my surprise I never put one on this morning. That made me realize that I am a Non Smoker finally. Still going to finish using the patch to be on the safe side