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Give and get support around quitting


Doubting Myself

I have such serious doubts about my quit. I want to be confident but id be lying if I said I was. I feel like Im going to end up like these people you see hooked up to breathing tanks and unhooking themselves to smoke. I feel like Im doing a lot to prepare myself to quit. I just feel like smoking is so in grained in my identity its so hard to have hope. I can ever barley remember I time in my life when I didn't smoke. I spend the first 20 minutes coughing myself through one cig after the other. For some reason in the morning I chain smoke. And that's literally within the first 5 minutes of waking up. I just feel like there's little hope for me. Has anyone else ever felt this way?

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16 Replies

Tons of AMAZING advice here... In fact the same reading material and advice that got me to day 11 no smokes!! Today!! I hope u will read read read, make the decision and use the support and info shared here.  It is a game changer!! I have tried to quit probably 30 times... Ex had all of the missing pieces!! Congrats on reaching out.  That's half the battle.  Dig in and take the step to a better life as a NonSmoker!! I'm doing it and you can tooN.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever!! Just do it one day at a time! 


I have similar feelings.  Not everyday is hard some days are better than other.  Which for me causes HOPE!  You can so do this I will be right there with you with my journey as well. 
It really isn't an identity.  You will see this" as each day goes by not smoking.

Prayers lifted


Doubting Myself‌, #Jay102162. Yes! You are so me! I am on day 17! But guess what? I know we can get through because I have thought all of those things. But first, remember the nicotine leaves within a few minutes, as to why you crack more. The Physicial withdrawal is NOT that bad. It has its moments. That is the way part. People are HERE for you. Thank God you found this site. I battle the mental. Yes. After the very few days of Physical, it is mental. ALL in our heads! I am fighting the normal thing s. Because I am allowing MY mind to scheme. Hang in there and try. Just try. You CAN do it!


Julie, I so understand.  I finally caved and bought Nicotine lozenges and Nicotine patches.  I just tried my first lozenge.  I know my mind too well. It's so very tough.  I have quit every day,  smoked, came here whining  but the ex people here are so supportive.  You will know when your ready. It's been 13 hours since I haven't puffed. I am slowly making attitude adjustments.  I could write a novel here but I will just say stay strong.  Even when you think you are weak you are strong. You can do this. 


Good job on making 13 hours CathyC1332‌!! . Stick with it .  One minute or hour at a time... Then days ... You got this and you are right!! We are stronger than we realize!!

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No one said this would be easy, but you can do. The quitters on this site are proof of that.   Most of us can associate with how you're feeling right now.  I never believed I could do it either.  I smoked for 50 years, attempted to quit numerous times and will be celebrating 3 years shortly.  Educate yourself and create a plan.   I attempted to quit many times by picking a day, but not having a clue what I was doing.  Decide if you want to use an aid or not.   I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers, attended a smoking cessation class and found the Ex a week before my quit   I can't emphasize enough how having a multi-approach made such a difference.  Having the support of other quitters when the times get tough, can help to keep you on track.   If you remember you're success is built on one day at a time, your confidence will grow.  



Yesss!! So true Barbscloud