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Does anyone else use smoking as a crutch?

I'm learning quite a bit about my triggers and behaviors throughout this journey and I'm only in the beginning.  I'm learning that one of my worst triggers is the morning in general.  I will sit and smoke cig after cig to keep myself from getting started on my day.  I tell myself ok 1 more and then I will get in the shower or start cleaning or whatever the task at hand is to start my day.  It will be 10-11 a.m. before I even begin the day.  Then by that time I've smoked so much that I'm exhausted and feel like crap and don't even want breakfast.  I think I'm smoking as a reason to procrastinate....sounds sick right??  Has any one else done this???

21 Replies


No, I would not use that word.  

Addicted, yes.  

And I would also ask....

What are you avoiding, and why are you avoiding it?

Is it extremely hard?  Is it real boring?  Is it work that is beneath you?  

What are you really avoiding?  And why?



Im not sure what I'm avoiding... I mean it's every day stuff....some boring...I don't have very much stress these days...the usual every day things I guess... No work is beneath me though.   Until recently I worked 2 jobs for the last 10 years and 3 jobs for the last 3 years.  One was full time the other two part time so basically 6 days a week I worked minimum 8 hours but usually 12-14 between my full time and part time....  Maybe that just burned me out and I use smoking in some way to....I don't know....I know what I'm thinking but am having trouble putting it into words...

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Once you have answered gregp136‌'s questions, you will need to deal with the issues revealed.  THEN - you will need to change up your morning routine.  Put on tennis shoes right out of bed, go for a quick walk, do a few jumping jacks or march in place, THEN take your shower, and, finally, go to someplace where you didn't used to smoke and drink your coffee with your other hand - perhaps taking your computer with you to read what's been going on here, or some of the links or pages of folks who might provide insight (or humor!).

The better you get at changing up your routines and removing those associations, the easier this will be.



I definitely am going to have to change up my morning routine...that's for sure.  Thanks for the suggestions.  I've been contemplating getting up and working out first thing before I even have coffee bit then I've read that trying to make to many life changes at once is a recipe for failure?  Like trying to change your diet and quit smoking and workout all at the same time is to much at once?  What are your thoughts on that?  I don't want to set myself up for failure by making to many changes at once?


I think that positive changes like eating a more healthy diet and exercising more go hand in hand with quitting smoking.  


I'm on day 15 now and not smoking is big enough.  If I do anything productive - bonus.

So all this perky advice like - hit the floor running - ummmmmmmmmmmmm NO.

Once upon a time I lived that way.  Now, I'm just chill and basically doing the exact opposite.

So, I guess we each have to find our own way that works for us.  NOPE works for most  


Smoking can be used as an excuse to procrastinate. I think I did it. That would be another good addition to a "reason to quit list".  


And where are you getting the cigarettes in the morning?

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Where am I getting them?  From the pack on my end table.  The packs on my fridge wherever I left them.  Maybe I'm not understanding your question?

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