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Does anyone else get sick while quitting?

This is my millionth time trying to get off cigarettes and this time it has to be forever. I dread doing this because I get physically ill for at least two weeks. I'm starting my second month on chantix as of today. I smoked the first three weeks (my usual pack a day) and then weened quickly down to 3-4 a day last week. I didn't smoke yesterday but took a couple drags off my e-cig. I just have the little ones that look like a real cigarettes with the screw-on 'filter' in the lowest nicotine level. The chantix is helping the cravings but my body is going through what it always does when I quit smoking, hell. I'm hot/cold on a dime, my head is spinning worse than the "Exorcist" kid, I am throwing up, my whole body is shaking especially my hands, I have a migraine, I can't form a thought and I just want to sleep, which I have been. I haven't done anything in a week because I can't stand up long and I definitely can't drive.  I can't take care of my family or my animals. I know all of this will subside eventually but I don't know if I can ride this one out. I know if I smoke even a few drags the sick will be staved off and I will have to start this merry-go-round again. 

Does anyone else go through this hell or is it just my own body's demons?

18 Replies

You also need to keep telling yourself,  YOU WANT TO LIVE  .   You can do this and just remember . N.O.P.E   (Not One Puff Ever )     Keep coming to this site and reading all you can on this addiction.   I didn't think I could make it this far, but I have.  By just getting through one day at a time. 


i am on chantix, i get sick on chantax  head ace sick at my stomach i have brocanitis my spelling is awful. you hang in there.

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I pray you feel better soon! Remember why you are stopping and that bronchitis you can get over, COPD, emphysema, lung cancer and heart problems you can't! I'm beginning day 3 of of not smoking at all. If it wasn't for the Chantix and especially this site I wouldn't have made it 3 hours. I'm still feeling like a garbage dump but each day is a little better. I only threw up once yesterday. I'm going to attempt to get out of the house for the first time in two weeks to run some errands but if I'm still too hazy to drive at least I can send my son out for me. I just need to get out of the house! I've been stuck here for about 3 years due to physical problems and surgeries. I love to go for long drives but it's a trigger so I'll start with a short trip. Be proud and keep the faith.

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Good for try to get out of the house and change it from being a trigger to being a reward.  I am sorry you have been so sick, it really sounds to me like you are turning this around.  You are going to do day at a time.  I am really proud of you, congratulations on WINNING day two and BEGINNING day three.

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I tried to run my errands about 12:00. I got about 1 mile out and starting getting really sick. I missed the first road I could go down to get back home thinking the sick feeling would subside. Of course, it got worse to the point of covering my mouth, crying, and praying to God that I could make it to the now two miles home. I turned down the only road left to get back home. I just about crawled through the garage, ran in and immediately took my anti-nausea medication. Less than a minute later it all came back up. Sweating, hot, cold, crying, and shaking so bad I couldn't even sip water. I managed to sleep 2 hours and woke up with a killer migraine. Good thing my kids are all grown up adults to run my errands and not trick-or-treat age! Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel a lot better.

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I am SO awful.  I so hope that you really DO turn that corner and feel better soon.  I have not had a migraine in a long time but I remember how paralyzing they were.  The pain was terrible, I am saying prayers for you minihorses‌, you are going to get through this.



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I believe statistically 

more people get sick of quitting

than from quitting.  🙂


ok Dale went to DR. once with this i am no better ,

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I wasn't responding to you Lois it was just a "generally" response.

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