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I took a walk at lunch - great for craves and to counteract the crap I've been eating.  I walk past the entrance to an industrial park that posts a big sign saying they are a smoke-free campus.  All the smokers congregate outside the gate - and they are disgusting!

Piles of cigarette butts, food wrappers, empty cigarette packs, napkins, empty soda bottles

It's just a nasty.


Keep the Quit
16 Replies

I was one of those slobs. In my earlier days of smoking, I would throw cigs out the window in areas where dry brush could catch fire. I put a lot of them out in the sand at the beach. I stepped on them to put them out wherever I finished them and left them on the ground. I even set a trash can on fire at a gas station when I emptied my car's ashtray not realizing a butt wasn't completely extinguished.


I recall pulling my car over because I was terrified it blew back in the back window and would catch fire. What an idiot I was.


Great walking on this journey...we seem to get healthier...all the way around...~ Colleen 246 DOF 


Wonderful for two reasons: Exercise = Endorphins and endorphins make u happy! (Courtesy of Elle Woods!) Also noticing the disgusting nature of smokers and NOT counting yourself as one of them. You are now outside that circle and venturing into a new one. I think this perspective is SO important. Eventually, you won't see it as disgusting, you'll feel sorry for those who can't see what has become of themselves due to this awful addiction.


I was one of those nasty people once and when I see messes like that, my first thought is how glad I'm not a smoker anymore. 

I was at my ortho last week and saw a Juul pod on the ground where butts might have been. Argh. People just don't care.


Day 233

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I was driving home today and saw someone toss a butt out of the car.  I did that a few times myself back in the day and thought, what a terrible thing to do. Cars don’t come with ashtrays anymore (tho this was a pun old truck and had one), but I bought one made for new cars.  Always hated washing that thing.  What gets me too is when someone empties their ashtray in a parking lot.  Too lazy to find a trash bin.  They’re not that hard to find.


My husband used to put them in our recycling bin when he was done and it would make me SO mad. On recycling day, they would dump the barrel over and we'd have a pile of butts right in front of our house. Plus I felt really bad for the people who have to sort at the recycling center. "Do you really have to make their job more complicated???? And there's an ashtray RIGHT HERE!!!" It truly is a wonder we are still married.

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