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Give and get support around quitting


Disgestive System????

It has always been a problem in the past when I quit, and my doc said to use 

nicotine gum to help my morning go normally with my coffee!  

Quitting smoking has wrecked my digestive system, and it has every time 

I have quit smoking.  

I am trying to not share TMI but smoking first thing in the morning with my 

coffee was like a laxative and now that I don't smoke, my digestive track 

is totally out of whack!  But I refused to put any nicotine in my body the day 

I decided to quit!  Because keeping nicotine in my body would still mean 

I had an addiction to it.  

Anyone else have this issue?

38 Respuestas

I love this, thank you!!  

My wife really got on to me one day when I drank her sport drink that was in a pitcher.. Afterwards she kinda smiled & told me it was actually a stool softener. Go figure.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Mike.n.Atlanta‌ Hahahaha!


I think your thinking of Cirtricel, or something like that, not sure of the spelling 

0 Kudos

LilNanaMaggie‌ I think it's Citrucel and it is available sugar provides fiber and I have actually been told to take it when I have had severe diarrhea but it is supposed to work for should be taken with lots of liquids.  

0 Kudos

Yes - nicotine did aid the digestive process - and it will take a bit for your body to adjust to life without it.  Most of us experienced what you describe.   The suggestions above are good.   I had  difficult surgeries after I quit, so took an OTC stool softener that did the trick.  You should increase the fiber in your diet,  drink lots and  lots of water, and exercise if you can.

Your body WILL adjust...but it will take some time.



Sandy-9-17-17‌ I think we pretty much all did until our bodies adjusted.  I take magnesium every night, it keeps things moving and helps to keep muscles relaxed.  I think ahkhippiechic  might have been referring to metamucil or citrucel, or beneful...all orange flavored stool 
"enhancers"...tea helps too.  I cut my coffee out so I thought my digestive system decided to just DIE.  It took a while and I was terribly gassy at first but now I am "normal."  Add fiber AND liquid to your diet and if you need colace as a stool softener, that works too.



Well at least I don't feel so weird about it now, and not alone. How long does

it take to adjust!  And I'm definitely very gassy, I just feel so backed up, and 

now starting to have gas pains!  UGH! 

My next move is going to be a bottle of ranch dressing pretty soon!  haha

That would do it!


Hey love take some liquid cytrate it's got alot of flavors too I love the cherry n the bottle it's over the counter that should help that situation out don't be embarrassed Everyone poop stinks and guess what we all have poop problems it's just a poopy situation lol love ya hope that helps.