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Give and get support around quitting

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Did your siblings smoke ?

One of mine smoked for 23 years . The others not. He was a three pack a day smoker . He quit when he was 44 years old . He is now 76 . When I asked if he ever thinks of smoking , his reply was never ....when I quit smoking he said  I quit thinking about smoking . 

He said he started by smoking cigars and my mom (a social smoker even back then ) which by the way I never knew asked him to change to pipe because it smelled better . After that , he started smoking cigarettes. Three packs a day he said and often had two going at the same time ! He quit with toothpicks and peppermints . Best thing h says he's ever done . 

Did your siblings smoke ? 

10 Replies

One brother smoked until he died a few years ago.  Another brother and sister both quit in their early 20's.  I finally wised up and quit at 55 - the best thing that I ever did!

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Sorry about you losing your brother Jennifer . It's hard to lose family . Your other brother and sister quit young ... good for them and for you joining in their footsteps . 


Both my sisters smoked my younger sister is going on 10 years quit my older sister is still having the odd one so she hasn't actually quit my brother is working on his forever quit he's got a little over a month in this quit so I pray he's done this time!

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Congrats Marilyn , it seems all your siblings have the right idea . You are an awesome role model for them all . 


Aaah thank you my friend and fellow EXer and most definetly EXtended family.  


Out of 7 siblings.  I was the only long-term smoker.  My sister that passed in March smoked but had quit over 35 yrs.

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I have other brothers and sisters as well . They would have been the likely ones to smoke ( in other people's eyes ) but certainly they never thought  I would smoke . I am grateful they never did start smoking .  One never smoked at all but is a cancer srivivor  . Their spouse was a heavy smoker who also is a cancer survivor . 

Sorry for the loss of your sister Jackie , but she sure had a good solid quit . It seems once we really get it , long long term quits are possible . Congrats on yours. You are quite an inspiration ! 


I only have a sister and ---sadly, as I have written here a few times----she still smokes. I so want her to quit.

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It's hard when we understand addiction and  know it can be overcome . One day soon  I hope your sister will join us here Sootie that would be cool . As we know it has to be on our terms unfortunately,  but it never hurts to put a bug in her ear.