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Did anyone start antidepressants when quitting?

I am 58 days quit and just started wellbutrin sr in the past 2 weeks because I was experiencing worsening depression. Has anyone else had this happen? I have always used cigarettes to help with stress and I can not honestly remember my life before cigarettes. I hope I do not have to be on the meds long term. I am not really seeing much improvement yet since starting the medication. I only have one more day of the 7mg patch left - maybe getting nicotine totally out of my system once and for all will help? Thoughts?

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Congratulations on 58 days, that is wonderful.  You are well on your way. Depression is one of the major topics here.  It can be a withdrawal symptom for some.  Some of us have used meds but our main advice is to follow your doctors instructions.  There are plenty of blogs, and references from the experts on the topic of depression.  If you use the magnifying glass (top right) you can research a topic.  Here is a previous blog from the experts.   

I used welbutrin 90 days with no problems.  I started using it several weeks before I quit.  NRT  and meds are not a cure all but a help to take the edge off and/or release dopamine to assist in the withdrawal.  If you have any major concerns please contact your doctor.  The good thing about welbutrin it is not addictive you just have to use it according to RX doctors orders. 


Hi Cat, congrats on 58 days!!!

i don't have much to add, Jackie gave you the perfect link to the expert blog!!!! 

Just wanted to say HI and "way to go" on your beautiful quit!!!


We're here for you ♥ Congrats on your quit.  My goodness, a lot to be proud of!



1.  Bupropion wellbutrin sr  (Oral Route) Side Effects - Mayo Clinic   Link to read up on!!

2.  Talk to your Doctor.

3.  Listen to your body!!

Best things you can do for you.



Well, funny you brought this up.  I am on Champix, I think you call it Champax or something in the States, I am in Canada. Champix was first developed as an anti-depressant and then drs. started noticing that their patients on Champix started reporting that they had less of an urge to smoke cigarettes. I was just thinking today that (I think) that most smokers are depressed people from day one. And smoking relieves some of the symptoms of depression and people self medicate to momentarily feel a little better. When the smoke clears the depression is still there.  And one of the side effects is that it will kill you. smoking, I mean.   I am really lucky, I got cancer and was forced to deal with the deprssion. But before that I was seeing a psychatirst  (forgive my tyuping ) but I am not going to correct because I want to spend more time writing. I ws in pretty bad shape and not a nice person.  The psyc said that she wanted me to go on meds and I said no. Then I got cancer, then I delt with depression. Now my drpression is in the past.   I am quite happy today and not the same person at all. I did this through Cancer Care which offered a 8 week course in Mindful Based Stress Reduction. It truly saved my life. Truly.  i hope it helps you. Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free) 


Yes, see your doctor , make an appointment tomorrow for the next available time and tell the receptionist that you need to discuss meds asap. And tell her that it is important, stress that .


Congratulations on 58 days. I used Wellbutrin. I started about 3 months before my quit date and I continued for 3 months afterwards. I didn't use a nicotine patch or gum. Listen to your body and follow what feels right for you and when in doubt see your doctor. Don't base your experience on the experience of others. Did it help me? I don't know if it eased my withdrawal symptoms. All I know is, I'm smoke free and that's the goal.

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