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Diagnosis + Forced Quitting

A week ago I was diagnosed with Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma.  Not only am I waiting anxiously for an appointment with an Oncologist, I live in a country that has banned smoking during the Coronavirus Lockdown. I have been forced to quit and am falling apart. I need help.

22 Replies

Actually to further clarify my earlier comment. You are allowed to consume alcohol and smoke - you just can't buy the products - its considered banned substances and therefore illegal.  

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Hi Sharon, I am sorry about your health issues.  Remember all things work together for your good.  This is a great opportunity to quit. Quitting is not easy but doable. My first quit tip is for deep breathing while you are going through a crave./blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2019/09/26/practice-this-breathing-exercise?sr=search&searchId=8fb8ba2d-4e...   It sounds as if you are overwhelmed.  Deep breathing can bring it down a notch.  I kept ice cold water handy.  That helped to flush the nicotine from my system.  Think of this as part of your healing process and not a loss.  Every time you get a crave realize that your body is healing itself.  Education is the key to a successful quit.  

Read, Study, Blog, and be willing to do the work.  With the help of the EX Community, you can have a forever quit.  Start by educating yourself about the addiction to nicotine. Know the LAW!  If you Go to My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and review the videos and learn more about what your triggers and how to prepare when the urge hits.  I am a firm believer education is the key to success. I was advised to read Allen Carr's Easyway to Quit Smoking which can be found on pdf on the web.  Another good site to get the info that was very helpful to me is  There are several articles to read.  Nicotine 101 and Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home.  To get help on navigating the site go to. Community Help‌  I believe you can quit smoking if you make quitting smoking your number one priority. Bookend your days here.  We will support you. 


Thank you Jackie - I appreciate your feedback.  I will definitely try the cold water and deep breathing. And I am reading as much as I can - that's what got to me this site .  I think you're right - I am overwhelmed. I think if it were just the "quit smoking" - it would be an uncomfortable challenge but one that perhaps I could turn into a positive rather than a negative.  But its not - for right now - its my recent diagnosis - 8 months of living in constant pain and being shoved from one Dr to another - undergoing endoscopies, colonoscopies, mri scans, gall bladder removal, ovary removal and finally a ct scan and biopsy which led to the diagnosis. And this stage I haven't even seen the Oncologist because there are only 2 Lymphoma Units in the Western Cape of South Africa so who knows when I'll be even looked at.
I think these are all good reasons to feel overwhelmed.  But it is what it is - I want to get through it the best I can.


I pray for your healing and comfort through this crisis.  Smoking is not going to help just try to remember that.  You are dealing with an addiction that can play tricks on your mind. Tell yourself no, Change your mind and save your body.  You can do it.  Quitting is hard work but not as hard as the addiction is telling you


Thank you Jackie.


Stay Close.


Saying prayers for you and sending you positive thoughts.  Smoking would not help you through this although I can certainly understand your difficulty with timing.  

Best to you,



Thank you Ellen, I appreciate it.


Oh my goodness Sharon~hugs.jpg

Boy do you have a plateful! I am so sorry about your cancer diagnosis. Here's a virtual (thus a social-distancing) hug from you to me ~ I am also sending prayers for lessening your anxiety and for getting the oncology help you need.

Other EX members have given you some great information to help you through this difficult season of your life. I hope you will take their advice. I guarantee it will make your days go easier.

We are all here for you. Please keep in touch and let us walk with you through this difficult time~



Thank you Suzy, you're very kind.

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