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Give and get support around quitting


Depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety keeps me a prisoner of smoking. Smoking has been my go to crutch every time I can’t handle my emotions. I can go weeks without smoking and then out of the blue I feel an overwhelming need to smoke. It is a horrible cycle I am in. I am hoping to get support here. 

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I’m the same way. But if I’m being honest with myself, I would use the emotion as an excuse at some point within the “crisis” to rationalize my smoking. I’m hoping that the understanding of that and the strong desire to quit will help me through those times now. It’s such a struggle!! But we can be strong enough. I do believe that. It’s a choice though. 


I know what you mean. It's like you get so far and can go a while without smoking but Bam I get hit with emotions and smoke. Do alit reading on here . It has really helped me understand smoking ,nicotine and the brain. I am getting through this hertle by remembering it doesn't help my feelings or problems or stress level . It actually makes it worse in the long run. And who knows it can get making you feel depressed so you smoke. I am here with you. You are not alone in this intense roller coaster. Just remember you don't want to smoke . You don't want to start over. You don't want a cigerate you just want to feel comfortable. And that's the goal. To feel okay on your own with out smoking. Just okay in your own skin. You will get sooooo comfortable one day but before you have to travel the unknown . 

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All of us addicts used smoking for the same reasons, even without suffering from anxiety or depression. It was our “go to” for every situation in our life. Depression, anxiety, reward, happy, habit, boredom and the list goes on and on. You will experience intense cravings throughout  your quit. I am on day 62 and have really been experiencing them in the last few days. I know though that this is normal and I just need to ride it out. Read, read and read.....

Believe me I am not downplaying anything you are going thru but want to offer you the comfort of knowing that you are not alone, this is normal and just hang in there. Also continue reaching out on this site as it is support is so important. 

Just remember to stay out of your head. There are really no positives in smoking. 

Hang in there, we are here for you!!!


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