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Give and get support around quitting


Depression and anxiety

Wondering how everyone on here dealt with the depression and anxiety that comes with quitting smoking? meds? etc?

31 Respuestas

Exercise helped me more than anything but I could not start right after I quit because I was too sick and it was winter and a super cold one.  I was recovering from pneumonia and I have RA so I was in agony all the time.  Once I got past that and I was able to exercise, it changed everything.  It releases dopamine and makes you feel happy and healthier and like you are doing something positive.  I exercise regularly and I honestly do not think of smoking except maybe as a memory.  


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Ditto on the exercise/walking, swimming etc. Watching comedy. Reading positive stuff on quitting. Journaling. Work helped a lot. Making a list of reasons for quitting and re reading them. Saving money in a jar for all the smokes I did not smoke--adds up fast. Rewarding oneself with something...a treat, a movie, something. Watching youtube videos about quitters and how they felt about quitting and how they feel today. Keeping it one day at a time. There are a lot of rewards for quitting, but the first few days are more about just not smoking. 

Yes you can do this.

I hear licking a bears ears is an old remedy

I had some depression in my quit. I was prescribed celexa for the lack of side effects and ativan to quell a panic attack quickly. When it got better I weaned off the celexa per my dr's advice. I still get an RX for ativan refilled once a year but

rarely use it.  It's usually if I cant get to sleep

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I have to echo the above remarks....a regular daily exercise routine will help immensely. Does not need to be an "exercise routine" as in Jillian Michaels (apologies to Jillian). It can simply be deciding that you will walk 30 minutes per day. It can even be 15 and 15 depending on the time you have. Done routinely----it really helps. Breathe deeply and keep focused on how your body is healing from this awful addiction. I never really had depression or anxiety issues----I had "anger" issues. Found myself really low on patience with stupidity, unfairness-----OR---what I perceived to be stupidity and unfairness in my nicotine withdrawal state !! I used a punching bag and still do....excellent stress reliever. I imagine it would help with anxiety and depression also.


I've been depressed as long as I can remember, certainly before I started smoking. I take medicine but it doesn't prevent depression symptoms when going through nicotine withdrawal. In the past, I have relapsed because I didn't want to feel depression symptoms.

To to be successful in my quit, I make a commitment not to smoke even if I'm depressed. When anxious I do deep breathing to calm down. I notice that when I stay busy I have less time to be anxious. I recently started walking, trying to get exercise to improve my mood. I use nicotine replacement to ease withdrawal symptoms. 


I have had alot of aniexty about my health.  It gets so bad that all i think about is if i am sick.  This could also be from the massive pain I have due to knee and back issues and also I have started another journey, mental pause.  I have been taking something but honestly I don't think it is working.  I have made the rounds to doctors and thankfully everything is ok for now.  Just a couple of more doctors to see before I will feel better,  they have to wait I am having knee surgery next Friday.  I need the knee fixed so I can exercise.  I tried to walk but the way I walk now send more pain to my upper back and neck.  I did buy a little pedal thingy that I have been using.  it is not much but something.  I also believe my weight is another reason I am depressed and anxious.  I have never been this heavy it is bad for my mental state and my physical state.  I am happy to report 9 lbs down in 3 weeks.  All I can say is that I know this will get less and less as time goes by.  I have such an awesome support system at home and at work my manager has been so great and understanding I don't know how to every thank her.  I know my job is secure so that takes something off my shoulders.

I have also started mediation and it does help.  Well lets just say none of us are every alone with everything we go through when we quit.  we don't have everything everybody else has but there is someone that feels the way you do.  not sure if that made sense hopefully you will get something out of it.  thank you  Everyone please have a great safe weekend, enjoy


Whatever exercise you can SAFELY do is a huge key and congratulations on the weight loss.  Keeping busy is a great way to get past the craves.  I am so glad that your manager is really supportive, that's wonderful.  You can do went to VEGAS with all of those smokers everywhere and you came through with flying colors!  

You are doing great, I mean that.



Thank you my friend. I can also count on you for awesome words and encouragement  

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Exercise(!!) and keeping my mind and hands busy.

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