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Give and get support around quitting


Day three of being free. The struggle is real!

am on day THREE! 
I think I am surprised by how much mental  space this nasty habit takes up residence in my brain that I didn’t pay much attention to before. 
Being a closet smoker, the planning and waiting for “my reward” for the time I could light up, and scheme, is/was ridiculous!

Now that I am on day three, I am in a constant state of redirecting not only from THOSE thoughts, but thoughts that I will NEVER do this again. That can seem impossible. 
I am staying the course with LOTS of great replacements, support,  and help from here, which has made it easier, but this is a freaking struggle pretty much every minute right now. 
my saving grace is that hiding is one thing, but after coming out about smoking to so many, I can’t lie! That’s not an option. 
I know this is going to get better, right? Cuz I am really uncomfortable right now and feel like a baby with people in a lot worse circumstances in this world.

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12 Respuestas

@Trevathompson  These first few day can definitely be rough.   It can take some time, but it definitely will get better.  Keep busy and go for walks if you can.  It's a great way to redirect your thoughts.  You don't need to compare yourself to anyone else's circumstances right now.  This is the time focus on you.   

Congrats in day 3.  Keep moving forward. 



Yes, the struggle is real.  But the struggle will end eventually.  A few blogs that may help:   WHEN DOES IT GET EASY?????? - EX Community   and Expectations, Timelines and the Reality YOU Create   Keep redirecting those thoughts.  The more you do that, the easier it becomes until it's automatic.  Smoking thought in, smoking thought out.  Chin up!


Deep breaths you've got this @Trevathompson this is one heck of an addiction to kick BUT with commitment and perseverance you will succeed in living a life of Freedom, it's definetly not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT the longer you're quit the easier it gets but it's going to take time to relearn life without the smokes BUT it's worth every bit of the cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to get to that good place in your quit where you realize how much better life is as an EX Smoker Non Smoker or EXer it doesn't matter what you call it as long as you keep moving forward stacking up those precious DOF ~ Days Of Freedom so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON! We're all here for you and we're rooting you on You've got this.....


Thanks everyone!  I so need this support.  Mornings are the worst. Afternoons are a little hard.  Evenings seem to be better.  Proabably because that was my smoking pattern.  Usually smoked in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and hardly ever late afternoon and evening.  Made it through another day!!!!  yipeeeeeee


Question- are we supposed to be reaching out here or on the blog/journal site?

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Hi Trevathompson,  Congrats on Day 3!!  Stay tough, Stay positive, you did 3, you can do 4!  And on and on.  I've had days, probably most of us had, where we were one minute at a time.  It will be tough, but so are you!  Keep your determination going!!

pmt  73 DOF


@pmt - 74 DOF today!!! Awesome! Looking forward to THAT!

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@Trevathompson  Blog/ journal or support.   We'll see either.

   Find a new routine for the mornings to replace smoking.  For example, I would sit on my porch in the morning drinking coffee and smoking.  I started drinking my coffee while on Ex instead.

Day 4!


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DAY 4!!! So far so good. Being busy at work helps a ton!

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