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Give and get support around quitting


Day one

Hello all, today is my first day and first attempt at becoming an ex smoker. I'm 30 and have been smoking since I was a child please wish me luck thanks 

25 Respuestas

Welcome to EX.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.  

Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking. 

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smokefree. Quitting smoking requires hard work.  It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. 

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom



Hello terrie thank you for all your support and kind words, I guess today (mar 23) is my second day as I had slipped up on mon and tues. I chose not to smoke yesterday and I chose not to smoke today and work on my road to freedom... bit intense at times I feel lost,empty, sad, mad, happy. It's overwhelming but I do smell great lol 


We have all been where you are and we know EXactly what you are going through, it's NOT easy but it is so worth it.  Don't ever feel that you cannot come time you think you are going to FIRST.  Come here and put the word HELP in the subject line and someone...probably more than one will get back to you and help you to get through.  The craves are going to come and there is no way to avoid them, you don't have to fight them and you don't have to smoke.  Let the feeling wash over you and remember that it will go away whether you smoke or not.  The first days are hard because we are consumed with thoughts of smoking but it DOES get easier, this is a journey, it is not a one day event.  We all learn one day at a time.  Stay close to the site, read as much as you can about nicotine addiction, the more you know, the better able you are to deal with things that come up.



It does get overwhelming at times, but it smells so good! lol, Keep moving forward!


I thought I'd check on you Lady86 and see how you're doing !


Hello I'm sorry I haven't been on here lately. I slipped up on Monday and Tuesday , I was ashamed. I've been reading a lot lately and I can't remember where I read it but it said if you slip up it doesn't mean you have to quit quitting or go buy a pack and start smoking again. In total I smoked 2 smokes (one on Monday one on Tuesday) . Today (Wednesday) is a new day and I'd like to say I have not had a cigarette in over 24 hours now (last smoke was at 8:30 last night). I've been a heavy smoker for a long time, this is my first attempt ever. A huge thank you to everyone and the incredible words of support and encouragement 


Yes, you slipped.  We all have been there.  Keep reading, and ask yourself if you really want to quit.  It is worth the struggle of the first few days, or even weeks.  You can do it, but it will be work.  But YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!  You deserve to live a life with healthy lungs.  Yes, pick a new quit date.  Today?  Tomorrow?  A week.  You decide what is best but you can do it.


Welcome, and welcome back!  Good for you to be back after 2 smokes.  Don't get discouraged, don't be ashamed.

We all have gone through the same things.

Please make sure to read everything that has been presented to you.  The easy way to quit smoking helped me make the big commitment at the beginning.  Then coming here, reading every day, sharing my experience, and learning from others, either more advanced in their recovery, or challenged the same as me, was of a tremendous help!

Stick with us, get your right frame of mind, be happy you are quitting, be proud of yourself, you are doing the right thing!


Never quit quitting!