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Give and get support around quitting

Day one starts for me.

I have two Camel lights cigarettes, left to go.

I am looking at them on my Wacom art tablet, and I pray and again I pray. These will be the last two cigarettes I will smoke for the rest of my life.

I tried quitting, and failed. I get fustrated, confused and my wellness flips. I have that feeling I do not like... the feeling of tension, with flu like symptom, and I get so angry easily. The withdrawal symptoms feels like its sucking my health and sanity away.

I want to quit but I am afraid if I do I will hurt someone, emotionally and possibly physically.

Patches and gum, I have tried them all. But sometimes with the gum in my mouth and the patch on my skin. Its not feeding me enough, I want more, what a cigarette can offer. The feeling of the filtered end on my mouth, and I drag the smoke off. Its a feeling I cannot resist.

When I try to quit, my road seems like mountains to get over to the other side. I just want to prove my body... the grass is much greener on the other side without cigarettes once we climb over those jagged mountains.
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7 Respuestas

I quit cold turkey, it's hard, yeah, not gonna say it's not but staying in touch with people on this site helped me get through it.

I took a straw and cut it to the size of a cigarette, taped one end and pretended to smoke that when the cravings got bad, it got me through the hardest part. I quit 3 weeks ago on May 7th and I still use it when I'm driving. I found that the smoking the straw helps with the sucking in air to the lungs and the filtered feeling in the mouth. Slowing you quit using it but whenever the urge hits strongly, out it comes......... because candy doesn't do it for me.

hope this works for you....... and we will be here to help.
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Hi silverlonewolf,How's it going? I hope you hang in there,it's been 6 weeks since i smoked and i was a smoker for 33 years.It is a great feeling knowing cigarettes don't rule my world anymore...before i had to make sure i 2 packs before i locked my car up at night because i didn't wanna wake up and have to go to the store,when i go out to dinner with my friends i no longer have to use the excuse that i'm running to the restroom ,when i'm really running out to smoke.Plus my hair and clothes smell so much better.There are so many more advantages to quitting then you can imagine until you you do it.I wish you the best,be strong and stay busy.
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Not so well... My friends are telling me I will drive myself insane, going cold turkey. They told me try to reduce my daily intake and its a good idea to not smoke when my triggers happen. So far its working okay.
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Well whatever works for you, but don't let them cigs rule your world, be stong and try to ignore urges.It's one day at a time.Tonight my husbands grandmother passed away from cancer.She was diagnosed on memorial day and the doc said she had about 2 weeks,but she didn't last that long and i'm not trying to sound heartless but i'm glad she didn't suffer long,it got into her bones.
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Something to think about. When we quit smoking, it takes approximately 72 hours to remove the toxins completely from our system. When we "slip", we are shooting ourselves in the foot, because its now going to take ANOTHER 72 hours to remove the toxins again. Everytime we "slip" its the same thing. Quitting is not easy - some people have a harder time than others - but it can be done. You've got to just set your mind to it, get rid of all reminders of them and hang on tight. The nicodemon is a sneaky bugger and would love nothing better than to catch you off guard and hit you with a crave or convince you that "just one" won't hurt. Cutting down is definitely a positive, but if you truly want to be smoke free, you have to JUST DO IT. There's no in between. There are lots of stop smoking aids out there. Some people can do it cold turkey, others need help. No way is the wrong way as long as you are doing it. Best of luck to you.

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I've been slowing my cigarette intake for 2 weeks now. Every cigarette I smoke I paid attention to it- that first second of a high, then the light headedness, then the burning of my mouth and dryness of my throat that causes me to clear my throat for the full duration of the smoke. By the time it reaches my lungs it feels like shards of glass landing in freshly heated concrete grime. Then, after every cigarette I just wanted another one. It gets to the point where the cigarettes don't stop the cravings. They just cause more.

Tomorrow is my quit day. That's what I'm going to be thinking about. I hope it helps you. Good luck on your potential quit.

Oh, and try not to freak out. It sounds like you're freaking out about the freaking out more than the actual quit.
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hey silver,congrats on deciding to quit, welcome to ex, good luck on ur quit, Photobucket can i help u climb them mountains? lets do this!!!!!!!!
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