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Give and get support around quitting


Day One Again

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I haven't posted anything for a bit because I've been so disappointed in myself for stopping and starting smoking, continually changing my quit date. I received a text today saying if I didn't want to receive anymore texts from this site, just say so. God, I thought they're even giving up on me, but I know that is not true, just my negative mind. I've received all positive, supportive feedback, and encouragement from here.  And I am NOT giving up, I am happy to say my quit date is today, 6/22/22, and I have not smoked, not even a puff. Yay, I feel good, I had some strong cravings but I did some of the suggestions (and there are many)  that are mentioned here to get me past that urge. Thank you ALL for your experiences shared, and for this awesome support group. 

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@Tammy591 One day at a time and this is that one day.  I've struggle(d) on this journey  many times too.  So stay close and let you these fellow quitters be there for you.  I can't tell you how many times early in my quit that I  to turned to the Ex for HELP and they got me though some tough times--even in tears.  So let us try to help you.   We want you to be successful, just as much as you do.



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Ah Tammy , you are always welcome here . Quitting isn’t easy and it’s a process . That process can be different for everyone . I will never give up on a fellow quitter . I know too well how disappointing not getting it can get a person down and feeling negative , but remember you now have more knowledge so your triggers can’t manipulate you .
Remember to post before if you can in the midst of the dither . I know that’s hard , but try ok .  That shows strength . You should do that as many times as you need .  People here have the gift of being able to calm people down enough to help yourself get control again . I bet I posted help likely a dozen times that first month or two . No one will judge you or say you are weak , believe me . 

Its ok if you have tears, I cried more than buckets . I was ready to name a new river lol . I felt anger , grief and frustration just the same as many here have felt . We will understand no matter where you are at . 

I am proud of you tonight .Going through this day and remaining smoke free is huge . Now , let me tell you .. I found day three hard and that day was often when I lost my quit but I just didn’t count it this time lol . I went 1, 2 and 4 and something as simple that helped me through . 

You will be inventive and find something to work for you too . 
I am glad you are here and posting . 


@Tammy591 Good for you! Congratulations on day 1 - day won. 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Now all you have to do is repeat it tomorrow. Glad you are still here and giving it another go.🐕

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@Tammy591 So happy to hear you still with us and are back on track again.  Don't feel disappointed in yourself.  You're human and you're addicted to nicotine.  Take care of yourself and focus on the behaviors that will become new habits instead of smoking.

Proud of you for not giving up.   You want this, so you can make it happen. Continue to stay close and reach out before you're tempted again.  It works.




Thank you so much, you are one that I am grateful for, you are a success, I read your posts and am excited that I too can be a nonsmoker. You keep it real and I appreciate that.  It's 3:30, went to store, and when I finished putting groceries in car, I immediately thought this is when I would light up.  Drove by gas station, thought I would always pull in there to get a pack, drove by.  This is a moment to moment process right now.  I think of the money I will save, my health (which I was just hospitalized for 12 days for lung issues) will get better. I will smell better, omg, will my car ever not reek of a dirty ashtray? My son will be less worried about his mother and how long she will be around. Ok, I know I sound like I've got this, but right now, I feel good about where I am, and I will keep it real: the most quit time I have had is 2 weeks, and know I have to be vigilant, and that the horrible, strong cravings will happen again and again. I realize that the more time away from smoking the less they will become. I hope. Anyway, thank you again for your response and support. I cannot do this alone.


@Tammy591 One day at a time and this is that one day.  I've struggle(d) on this journey  many times too.  So stay close and let you these fellow quitters be there for you.  I can't tell you how many times early in my quit that I  to turned to the Ex for HELP and they got me though some tough times--even in tears.  So let us try to help you.   We want you to be successful, just as much as you do.



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thank you again, 😊