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Give and get support around quitting


Day 86

I need tips on how to get through No Mans Land. I bought a journal, am walking everyday, drinking water etc. My mood this morning is horrible I can’t even stand myself. Shouldn’t I be getting a lot more relief on Day 86- don’t want to smoke but one more minute of feeling like this is going to make me crazy

11 Respuestas

All can say, is hang in there.  It's worth it .   I know I told you before I had a rough time emotionally and it took a good while to feel better.  That's why everyone talks about NML being 30 - 130 days.  It was longer than that for me.   Should you getting more relief? - we're all different.  Some folks  have an easier time, so don't let that discourage you.   Try to stay positive knowing what you're doing is so important for your health and are you saving the money for something in particular?  That can help motivate you looking forward to something special for yourself.  Even on these days when  you're having a rough time, remember how strong you really are for doing this--it isn't easy . Don't allow yourself to believe that smoking is going to make your feel better, because we all know what outcome will be.  That feeling each time we attempted to quit and failed.  Remind yourself "I don't do that anymore"  I still use that.



I love that you're using a journal to get through. That's a great way to notice your feelings and triggers, which is important work during NML. You can make changes in your own head about how great you're doing, so believe it and keep at it. You can do this!



I know you feel right now as though you are NEVER going to be done, that this journey to freedom is never going to end.  But - I promise - it DOES!  And - you will tell everyone that it was worth it ALL to be free of this controlling addiction.

Just hang in there a bit longer.  It will end; it will be the most empowering, wonderful thing you have ever accomplished - I promise!



I know how you feel!   I am with you.

I am going to make it to 130!  We can do it


"Whew... I'm so glad I smoked, it made everything better, relaxed me and made me comfortable in my own skin again" said.... NO ONE, EVER!!     At least not in the quitters realm, and you are here now, Pook.  The comfortable smoker that used to live inside you has left the building, and all you would get from smoking is disappointment, regret and a really bad taste in your mouth and smell in your hair, body and clothes.  If you smoke you'll be back where you started, and where you started is wishing like crazy that you were here where you are right now.

Believe what we say... you honestly won't go crazy even if you feel like it.  Roll with the waves, and don't give up before the miracle happens. 

Sometimes improvement in how we feel after quitting is sorta like watching paint dry... it's happening, but 1. it isn't always linear and 2. it can happen very slowly.  But usually, if you look back at your day or week 1, you'll see how far you've come.


Have you talked to your Doctor Pookweencess ... to see if you are depressed more than just from quitting, etc., Just a thought...I feel so bad... and I am hoping something will help you perhaps making an appointment with your Doctor will help...Gotcha in my thoughts...~ Colleen 317 DOF 

0 Kudos

We all travel a different road in our quits.  Some are harder some days, for others it can be different.It is okay to be grumpy, angry, depressed, lonely, and all other kinds of emotions.  Nicotine masks emotions and now you are feeling them.  And that is emotionally healthy.  You can do this.  Just don't let that bully nicotine tell you that you will feel better if you smoke.  You won't.


It takes time and patience is not something that most of us ex-smokers are blessed with.  There were many times when I did not like myself and I am pretty sure that no one else liked me either.  It DOES get better, first you will get through a time when you used to smoke and you will realize that you never even THOUGHT about smoking, then those times will come more and more frequently and yu will feel stronger and stronger and you know what?  You will REALLY like yourself and you will be really PROUD of yourself.  Hang in there, stay close to the site, that's why we are here.



Thank you all for being there for me today- I really do appreciate all the support.  Today was a particularly hard day- my journal page for today is not very nice LOL.  I am holding on- I truly do want to slay this demon just having a really tough time doing it.  I speak with my smoking cessation counselor tomorrow and will let him know how I have been feeling