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Give and get support around quitting


Day 23 - Smoke Free

Hi All, 


I am on day 23 of being smoke free now. Feels a lot better. I quit after smoking for nearly 10 years .....around 6 to 8 cigarettes a day habbit


I quit cold turkey after reading Allen Carrs easy way. I urge our fellow quitters not to use any substitutes while quitting cigarettes.Quitting cold turkey is the real freedom.

Please keep encouraging me to stay strong . Send your thoughts/ suggestions

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8 Respuestas


How are you doing? I am on day 22 and struggling!  For some reason the desire is stronger for now than it has been!!  Any advice?


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Same here!  The cravings are tremendous!  We can do this, we weren't born smoking and we're not meant to do that to our body.  It's a very foreign matter that we're purposely putting into our body.  Stay strong!  

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Joel Spitzer - YouTube   Mary check out Joel's videos also, they are quick little videos.  His videos and the ex community are what made the difference in my quit being much easier then I thought!  


You can do it! You are giving up an expensive and deadly addiction and reclaiming your Freedom!  Know that it gets better and you won't always feel like you are now. It's hard because you are going through a huge physical  and psychological change (no longer poisoning yourself with cigarette smoke 700 chemicals many of which are cancer-causing. )You are detoxing and nicotine receptors in your brain are screaming for a fix and are going dormant!Learn How to Quit Smoking (and Make it Stick) 

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Well i found some intresting tips by joseph Giove On his Youtube channel....

you never have and you never will ever crave a cigarette; you are craving what smoking has stolen from your body.So a withdrawal is an impulse from your body to get back to homeostasis, back to internal balance. Your body is giving you an impulse for B vitamins; nervous system balance; numerous minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium; it is asking for detoxification. So drink lots of water, sweat, breathe deep, smooth, and rhythmic. Breathe deeper, exhaling longer that you normally would.Hope this helps


great job Loius. That is interesting information. I think the more we know the easier it makes the desicion to quit smoking so much more appealing. keep up the good work and we are here for you.


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Some of us call quitting without NRT's SMART turkey and not cold turkey because we are doing it through education and support.  I promise each of you that if you stick with your quits and if you stick with the site, it WILL get easier.  I would strongly recommend reading JonesCarpeDiem‌'s page with "What to Expect the first 140 days."  I read it over and over again when I quit and I had smoked for the better part of 47 years except for pregnancies.  I had a few very short term, failed quits because I did not understand this addiction for what it is.  It IS an addiction and addictions play all kinds of games with our brains and lie to us about how much we need nicotine.  Smoking fixes NOTHING, it does not take away pain, depression, stress, or anything else you may possibly feel.  The addiction TELLS you that it helps...anger was my biggest trigger and it never got any better when I was smoking but I kept going.  Smoking caused all kinds of issues for me that are irreversible.  I have been smoke free for over three years now and I do not regret one day of my quit, I regret EVERY day that I smoked.  My mantra was NOPE, Not One Puff Ever, which I got from this site...I said it over and over again along with all of the other catch phrases here and I stayed very close to the site, reading, commenting, asking for help, learning all about this addiction and THEN learning about myself.  What a bonus THAT was.

You can ALL do this,



Welcome to EX.  

Congratulations on 23 days of freedom from cigarettes. You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth. This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smoke free. Quitting smoking requires hard work.  It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. 

Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  

Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links:   and

I also encourage you to read. Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to and get started. 

We will support you. You are on your journey to freedom
