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Day 2 help

On day 2 of not smoking.  I try not to think about cigarettes, however, it has been apart of my life for 40 years.  I have read Allen Carr, I am using the patch and in the book he states use nothing.  Please provide any information that can help me through this.  I am truly trying not to smoke, any advise will help.

35 Replies

Hi ....short and sweet ..3 deep breathes in and out very slowly when having a crave ,cut straws into thirds chew or breathe through them ( they were lifesavers to me in the beginning ,my pacifiers !) Think positive thoughts and just say Nope ,I don't do that anymore ! 

NOPE=not one puff ever ! I also used the patch to quit and stuck to it to the end about 10 weeks it wasz so worth it !


I'm also on day 2.  Sometimes the thought of smoking is not there and then it pops in.  I do my best not to dwell on it and it usually is gone within a couple of minutes.  I try to think about what needs to be done today or what I would like to do on my day off.  I think it mostly comes up when I would normally have a cigarette, but sometimes it just happens. I know for right this moment since yesterday morning I have not smoked, so I am moving forward.  I'm with you on this mon2.  


I too am on DAY 2!!! Staying busy is HELPING.... Had hoped for a Nice weather day, so I could walk outside in the fresh air. Not possible, so will do my toning/strengthening stuff inside. (I have opportunity for exercise classes several times  a week at our Senior Community. 

It is raining, a cold front arrived, it is only 50 in southern Texas. It was perfect yesterday at 89 and sunny. Ugly weather to hang around a couple more days.  I made a pot of spicy shrimp/black bean and corn chili (spicy food fights inflammation, as well as helps me manage my cravings today)  Strong peppermints or cinnamon hard candies help.

Work in the gratitude journal. Read posts and post. Ladies take a hot bath, do your nails, etc....I've started an afghan. I play PC games, read,cuddle up with my doxie. Worse comes to worse, always seems to be some cleaning or organizing that needs to be done.

Anything that will take your mind off wanting to fire up a sick-stick... Endless possibilities.


Sorry all but I think Allen Carr is full of crap.  I read that book three times over the years trying to figure out his logic and reasoning for many of the things he says and there isn't any other than it's what HE did.  HE is not me or you.  Take what helps out of the book, there are some good things in there but don't consider his message the be-all and end-all of how to stop smoking.  There is a lot better advice and help from everyone here.  I can attest to that highly.  Burn the stupid book now that you've read it and stay close to Ex.  We can get through this.  I promise you we will be here every step of your journey.  Keep the faith and keep your quit sacred!

We can do it.jpg


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Spicy food,fresh fruits and veggies.  Changing routine has been very helpful to me. So glad I was already exercising daily. Just before quit, had added other new activities. I understand only retired people can do so. 45 yrs. was a very long time as a smoker. I pray often for God to Help me through this battle. I started an afghan, have art supplies to dabble with. Since I return to the north in a month and will probably still be wintry there. Think spring and summer the art will come in handy. Do you like to read,play pc games,dance while you clean your place? Do you have a pet? My mini doxie is a great comfort to me. Work with plants outside once spring arrives.Pinrest is a good place for ideas of new things to do.........

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PRAIRIEROSELADY‌  We got a Moving Challenge group going if you interested:  Just ignore my last humongously long comment, it was mostly meant as a fun distraction.

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