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Day 2 help

On day 2 of not smoking.  I try not to think about cigarettes, however, it has been apart of my life for 40 years.  I have read Allen Carr, I am using the patch and in the book he states use nothing.  Please provide any information that can help me through this.  I am truly trying not to smoke, any advise will help.

35 Replies

Congrats on day three and please know WE is you and all of here not using nicotine moment by moment by loving each other to keep on keeping on and for ME in Jesus name amen Please blog BEFORE you taje that first puff over you thank you.


 Thank everyone for the support, I greatly appreciate the support.  This is a hard road, but I am an ex smoker.  The thinking will change.  I am still hanging in there.  Again thank  you!


Great attitude! Keep working your quit and welcome to Ex.


I disagree with jonescarp.  DO eat the bark off the trees if necessary to help your quit!   Whatever works!   lol  

Beaver cutting down a tree in West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada - YouTube 


wonder if bark from fruit tree tastes like fruit? Cherry bark is toxic to horses, I know, saying...being silly  but its true about cherry bark and horses


Cheery bark is toxic to horses.  Who woulda thunk it?!  But then there are so many toxic plants out there to animals - Joe Pye weed to cattle, Azaleas (to cats, dogs, horses), Daffodils, etc.  For me, I've chewed birch bark - the green part just under the paper white.  (Tastes like - yup, birch beer.)  Sort of as difficult as trying to separate the nut meat out of an un-ope'd sunflower seed.  Fortunately most animals don't be chewing on stuff they oughtn'ta.  Unlike many of us dumb hu-people who are stupid enough to chomp on the Carolina Reaper peppers and get themselves on youtube throwing up.

(Edit:  make that cherry bark.  Cheery bark ain't toxic to no one!   Aminal (sic) nor huperson.  Well except a curmudgeon.)



Welcome!  Glad you found the best resource available to help you on your journey to a brand new smoke free life!  Having read the book by Allen Carr where he states to use nothing besides the cold turkey method to quit is absolutely ridiculous!  He seems to think that smoking is all in our heads, not a chemical addiction. That's why he says that any withdrawal symptoms will be non-existent to mild at most. Wrong.  Right now the patch, the Ex site, your personal goals and reasons, and most importantly your strength and will to quit is what you need to focus on right now. This is rough and I sympathise completely!  I didn't have an easy first month, nobody does but those of us on the other side of those first hurdles will be here to help you clear the top without kicking it over!! Stay Strong and Stay Here!


61 DOF


Keep doing what you have done.. do not smoke. NOPE! Not One Puff Ever. The drug nicotine will be out of your blood soon. Getting it out of your mind will take you to another level of recovery from this powerful addiction. Face the challenge as an amazing adventure and AWESOME victory. Happy New smoke free Day.. Year... Life! 

what I did for the first 30 days is I went around my house and made a list of all the things I've neglected over the years.  I had the same shelving paper on my lower cupboards for years, just never got around to ripping it up.  That took a few days.  Washed all my curtains, ceiling fans, walls, ripped off wallpaper, rearranged my office, washed windows.  I was so busy that first month, but I made myself busy to distract myself from constantly thinking of smoking, smoking, smoking.  Took a lot of rides to get out of the house.  Take up a new hobby that involves using your hands, try coloring