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Give and get support around quitting


Day 11 or 12? I had my last on the first...

Hey there! Well whatever day it is 11th or 12th. I had some moments earlier but I tried to find things to do. It is a bit harder with this Covid. I am somewhat restricted on where I can go because we are having it kind of bad here in my part of Georgia. My family has had some battles with it. So Library, usual thrift stores, visiting and etc. are out. BUT! I did pull out some actual books instead of the Kindle. I played a game. I avoided toxic people so far at least that want to bring me down. And though it is still screaming in my head, (not as much) I read the things to think positive such as, the No, I can’t and replace with, YES I CAN!. And I read about the snakes on the path as warnings you are trying to have one, That is a must for me so I put both on my phone! I love it here. Thank you for this group, the support and the care to let us newbies know there is hope! 

17 Respuestas

Barbscloud‌, thank you so much! I appreciate the kind thought s so much and it is good to know that this is pretty normal. I am so grateful for this group. 


I send my deep felt sympathy to you and to the parents of your daughter's friends.  SO sad.  I cannot begin to imagine how difficult such a loss must be for you.  Be kind to you tomorrow.  .

You are missing that high from dopamine you got when you got that first hit from a cigarette.  You can replace it by dancing or singing to some music, doing ANY kind of brisk exercise, eating a bit of chocolate, laughing, having sex......

Try to do some (or all ) of the above every day and I think you will start to feel better.

Congrats on TWELVE days!  Almost through H#ll AND Heck Weeks!  Woo Hoo for YOU!


YoungAtHeart‌, thank you. I took the day off social media. I appreciate your sympathy very much. I made it. Through without smoking the first year since she passed away. It was hard because today being her heavenly birthday, I would always smoke. I felt so weird but I did get through. Thank you so very much! 


Good for you for using your tools.  Remember you can also take slow/deep breaths, march in place, find a YouTube yoga practice, or some funny skits like Tim Conway or Robin Williams (some of his Tonight Show appearances are the funniest things this side of our planet!).

You just won another day!!!


12 DOF - Yahoooooooooo - WAY TO GO


Congratulations Great job, keep up the Excellent work.


You'e doing wonderfully!!

You might want to look into an app that will keep track of all your stats for you, i.e. exactly how long its been, how many cigarettes you haven't smoked, how much $ you haven't spent on cigarettes, and some have lots of other stats too!  I know I was glued to my ticker the first weeks and even months, it showed me my progress visually.

Some can be found here :  Best Quit Smoking Apps of 2020 


You are doing GREAT, it really IS going to get easier, l kept reminding myself of that..:you CAN do this! You ARE doing this!
