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Give and get support around quitting

Day 1 looking for advice

Hi All, just put out my last smoke 30 minutes ago, determined to quit. I have smoked 19 years with a 1 year break 5 years ago.  Any advice to make it through the next couple of weeks?

Etiquetas (2)
26 Respuestas

I'd say double up on the NRTs and don't be afraid to use as much nicotine replacement as you need. I'm in the minority in that opinion on this board but it's a proven effective alternative to cold turkey, that comforted me a lot when I was losing my mind 🙂 not that I'm all that much further ahead than you! Good luck!



Read everything that you can about this terrible addiction. We are big on education here at EX-----knowing your enemy will help you survive. Seriously, it is very important no matter how much you think you may know about it.....I still read about addiction all the time. And we are addicts.....addicted to the drug of nicotine.

I loved reading the articles on They are short and more like stories and they are very interesting. There are many, many other places online to find information on addiction, quitting and what to expect. 

Here are some tips of my "own".....

>I will bet you did not smoke for only a week or a month or even 6 months. So don't expect to be completely over smoking in a week or a month or six months. It takes a good year to start to learn your "new normal" again. Even after a year, there will be tests to your new found stay alert!

>Tell yourself it will be difficult. Don't try to fool yourself by thinking there is actually an easy way through this....there is not. HOWEVER----do NOT tell your self it is impossible. It's NOT! We all did it and we are no different from you.

>Think about the times when you might be really tempted to smoke and decide ahead of time what you will do instead.

You can do anything......cry, scream, eat, dance, run, walk, sleep, hit something (don't hurt yourself or others!) sing, jump rope, do yoga.......anything, anything anything......just DO NOT SMOKE!

>Most of all know that this is one of the BEST THINGS you will ever see it through. It is a fantastic life on the other side.

Welcome to EX we are all here for each other!

Stay Strong

Thanks for the very helpful advice


Great advice 

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@Sun9beam Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  Consider posting to My Journal/Blog to receive support from the community.



You have one of the ingredients for a forever quit...determination.  Now add commitment, perseverance with a NOPE no matter what.  Education is the key to a successful quit.‌, Welcome. Quitting smoking  is doable.


Congratulations...welcome step to join Ex..

Surely you would do all those things you did five years ago,

and keep reminding NOPE NOPE NOPE.. (you can browse, good material available on NOPE)...

You will not have to quit again.

All the best!


Welcome and congrats on your first day smoke free.  I believe that first day is the hardest.  You've got this.  Keeping moving forward one day at a time.  We're here for you.  Just reach out if you need help.



How's it going for you today?  If you haven't yet, head to Best of EX (you can get there from the home page) and read through the material in there.  Lots of good information to help you along the journey.  And here's a blog that may help: 

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