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Give and get support around quitting

Day 1 looking for advice

Hi All, just put out my last smoke 30 minutes ago, determined to quit. I have smoked 19 years with a 1 year break 5 years ago.  Any advice to make it through the next couple of weeks?

26 Replies

@mullinsrandall Welcome!   You picked an older post to respond to so I don't know if you'll receive a response.  Are you thinking about quitting? How can we help?



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Keep busy! Find something to do with your hands. Also hard candy works great or chewing gum! Good luck and just know you got this!!!

Jennifer Taylor

You're going to do great!

Jennifer Taylor
0 Kudos

Thank you because it's not easy at all.


The first week is definitely not easy, @Hannjo817 . But it IS worth it. keep going! You can do this, you can win and take back your life and your health. Reach out if you need help and be empowered to share your journey. Your experience helps others more than you know. 

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤜🏻👍 Congratulations and welcome!  You’ve come to the right place! I’m pretty certain you will enjoy how informative and supportive this group is! I have learned so much, and the advice given is excellent! 

Douglas Willis

Hi @DougWillis I see you've been reading and posting a lot leading up to your quit. That's a great way to get off to a good start.

Just an F.Y.I.  Even though there are many wonderful older posts here to read and learn, you might want to check the date they were posted.  Your post may not be seen by all and the author may no longer be active on the site or has quit smoking longer than it appears.

Wishing you the best on your quit.

Stay busy and stay close.
