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Give and get support around quitting


Day 1 check in

Today she's my quit day. What's really surprising to me is that I crave the e-cigarettes more than I do regular cigarettes. I think this is because I could take just a short puff of e-cigarette practically anywhere and that would satisfy me. After smoking for 55 years I figured it's way past time to quit. I  am enthusiastic about it this time around. Finding things to keep me occupied and smoke-free. Especially browsing this site and doing some painting .

29 Replies

Hello Jo1234 and Welcome to Ex’s...

Glad you made the decision to quit smoking...keep close to here for support...and be sure to read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX ... You already made Day 1, Day Won...Welcome to Day 2...hang tough and drink lots of water to rid the toxins from your body.  Please know we are all in this journey together... Colleen 222 DOF 


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Thanks Colleen. Yeah I printed out the 101 things to do instead of and added a couple of my own. I did a lot of preparation in the 18 days leading up to my quit. Read your bio and hit the following button but was wondering what the inbox button is. 


Jo1234 Your “inbox” button shows all conversation in blogs you either posted, or posted to someone’s and/or those you if you click on inbox and items highlighted it will be if someone shared more can choose to read, respond, or do nothing...does that make sense? Sorta like email...Colleen

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Yeah it does. But if I click inbox will I be getting everything they post. Think I need to click it and see what happens cause I think you're saying that I highlight and receive only whatever I'm interested in 


Welcome to the Ex.  Stay close and reach out if you need help.


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I will Barb


I used the e-juice too, and I quit from that (after 40 + years of cigarettes).  E-cigs are easy and taste good and don't have a lot of the nastiness like smoke and ashes. I get that it's hard to quit. But totally doable!  

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I think so too. Threw ALL of it away. Gonna totally use all my ammo. 


Best Wishes on your Day 1  I am on day 6 and man it is a journey- getting thru week one is huge!!  Stay committed

I modified the NOPE acronym  NOPOAE-- Not One Puff Of Anything Ever!  For me its an all or nothing deal- everyone of course gets to decide for themselves- in terms of continuing vaping while quitting etc.  And not sure if you are still vaping- sounds like maybe not?

Best Wishes

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Thanks. No, not vaping. Smashed the thing and threw it out with all the other items. Good for you you're almost a week through boot camp . I have been using this site the most. And when I get an urge or thought I tell it "I don't do that anymore " then redirect.