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Give and get support around quitting


Cutting down -vs- medication

mid-June is my 'quit-date.' Do you know of anyone who has been successful by cutting down (i.e. cutting back to 1 -5 per day) then gradually smoke cessation -vs- using the gum or patch? I've used both before combined w/counseling with the Columbia Univ. smoke cessation program. Was successful for 3 months. But don't want to go that route this time.
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6 Respuestas

I like the cut-down method by itself. The cravings become less and when it's time to quit all the way, you feel like you are tackling a smaller challenge after being used to smoking only a couple per day. I've never tried drugs, but never liked that idea since you eventually have to stop those too.
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Hi Kathy!
I don't really like the drug, patch or gum method either. My experience is that you just trade one dependency for another. I've had friends who used the gum and got so addicted to that higher dosage of nicotine that they couldn't quit the gum even when they started back smoking. I've heard from several sources that people who quit cold turkey have a better chance for long term success. I've not really been successful with cutting back, so I am just going to stop June 1. Become an ex says that those who use alternate methods for quitting are more successful, but my research shows otherwise. I do have a partial strip of Nicorette that I am considering using for the first couple days, but definitely don't want to depend on this method. I'm just planning on treating it as I have treated other addictions in the past and relying heavily on 12 step or other support programs. The main determiner of success in my opinion is that you are "entirely ready" and commit to not smoking no matter what.
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aloha kathy, anyway that works for you is the best. I could never cut down successfully always smoking just a bit more. I used the patch. by cutting down you are lowering the amount of nicotine in your system and the more your body gets used to the lowered amount the less it will crave what it once did. (which is really the idea behind the patch) 1 to 5 smokes is like the last patch in the step down. with ppatch, cold turkey or cutting back sooner or later you have to stop completely. with the patch your body is so used to hardly any nicotine it is pretty easy. they make a 10 crave feel like a 3. learning to get past a crave is part of detox, then learning to out think our inner junkie is what will keep us quit. I think if you made it before for 3 months that is what made you start smoking again. you have to always tell yourself you don't smoke until it is a way of life and you are secure. go for it no matter which way, just go for it. it is so doable
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Thank you hothula. I hope to report success at the end of June, whichever way I go (medication or slow-down).
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I used the program on this site (the EX program). It is about tracking your smokes, working on your triggers while still smoking. As you stop smoking during your triggers (like driving, after meals, mornings, etc.) you almost "naturally" cut down. I went to about 3 or 4 per day by the time I reached my quit date. This made quitting much easier for me. I have only chewed a few pieces of Nic gum to get me through the first few days. I am now on my 4th smoke free day- not nearly as painful as cold turkey! Each person is different, I highly appreciate this Ex program!
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Thank you Cindy. I think I'm going to continue to cut-down until I get to 3-4 per day and then stop.
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