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Curious about chantix -

I would like to hear from real people about thier experiences with chantix.
I am seriously considering the med, but there is so much controversy.

My quit date is July 7. I want to succeed this time.!
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26 Respuestas

Totallly feel you on those issues.
I spent 30 years of my life with gastro problems. I actually have had my entire large intestine removed. I of course had the complimentary depression that comes along with feeling like *&^% all the time. =P
I had my surgery about 5 years ago. At that time I was considered terminal. "learn to find a way to enjoy what's left of your life" is what I was told. The surgery wasn't supposed to do more than give me a little more time.
I am healthy, happy, and considered a medical miracle.
Even my current doctor can't find any medical evidence that I am a smoker. Kinda freaky since I smoke almost a pack a day.
What kind of moron would I have to be to keep pressing my luck?
For me the biggest battle is insecurity. I am nice to the point of benevolence and am all things to everyone. So whenever a craving makes me anything other than Mary Poppins I freak. I am so afraid of seeming mean, or selfish, or lazy that I would rather smoke and be pleasant. Totally insane.
If you are considering tapering off there is a way that has work for me in the past. I have quit for over a year more than once but major tragedies got me back on the sticks.
It's gradual and pretty simple. The idea is to reduce the amount of nicotine to your brain in almost unoctiable amounts.
Week one you smoke 10 a day
Week two 9
I found that by the time I was down to 4-5 a day I was ready.
Good luck to you in whatever path you choose.
Thank you again for the encouragement!
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Hi Jean,

You've proven that both Chantix and cold turkey works! Your willpower was awesome. I did the same thing, although not a 5 year quit. The reason I started again after all nicotine was out of my system was lack of education about my addiction. I should have known that one puff = 1 cigarette = all cigarettes. Or in short 1 = ALL. This fact along with lots of other reinforcement facts were unknown to me, so I relapsed.

You may have been the reason why you started again too. Chantix will not help a person 5 years down the road when they want that cigarette again, unless that person is still taking Chantix! LOL

Believe it or not, cold turkey quits are easier with education too, you learn quit smoking techniques that ease the withdrawal symptoms (if any, some people don't have any!) and you don't have to risk side effects of medication or witdrawal from the medication. Logically I don't want to trade one withdrawal for another.


53 days nicotine free
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Angel, Trout is right about the fatty foods. It does help with the nausea. I tried it today. You do not have to consume huge amounts, just a bit of fat and the Chantix doesn't make you nauseous. As far as gastro issues, I would guess your doctor would know more about that. I have microscopic colitis and had very few problems with the gut and Chantix-- and whatever did happen went away in a week or so. Just FYI. Best of luck with your quit, however you decide to do it!!
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If you try it make sure you want to see it all the way through! It is a Godsend when you first try it! Zero withdrawl, fantastic dreams, and just suddenly you realize you don't smoke! But if you don't see it through, and quit taking it....well second time around is not so great....nausea, vivid bad dreams, and it doesn't help the smoking as much. I know been there, and am now doing the second time, I wish more than anything I would have stuck with it the first time, it was great and it was working....almost effortlessly. Now I will just have to suffer through. I say go for it, but go 100%, the first time!!
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I guess you could say I'm a chantix success story. 14 weeks & 6 days now without a single puff. I have seen how chantix may affect somone, evidently varies quite a bit. All I can do is tell you how it affected ME. I had VERY vivid dreams. I would not charachterize them as "nightmares", however. I mean, I recognize this stuff works because its realigning pleasure receptors in the brain. I'm giving that approach some extra slack. I had no upset stomach really. The only thing I did run into, was that AT FIRST, I expected the pill to do the work FOR me. uh-unh...doesn't work that way. The best way I can desribe it is, you have to commit to a PARTNERship with the Chantix. Do NOT expect the chantix to save you by itself. If you truly commit to that partnership with the chantix, I believe you have won THE most important battle....& I wish you the very best on the war. You CAN do this!
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Chantix - 7 days now no side effects so far Quit Date this morning (june 25 2008)No smokes so far .Started the 2 week dose this morning.
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I'm taking Chantix and have had few side effects...a little nausea which only was the first few days, I .was worried because if it kept up I don't know what I would have done. I've had dreams too but mine haven't been anything else you won't know how it will effect ;you until you try, it's amazing the different side effects I've seen here.

Whatever you choose you can do it...July 7 sounds like a great date to quit!!!!!
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i recommend going for it. i have been on it for 4 weeks now and am ready for a refill .i have been smoke free 15 days now. i, like you was afraid to start it . i had the starter pack of chantix sitting on my counter since march after spending over 100. for it. i had heard so many contraversal things. even on the tv all these law commericals. ect.
finally i just said to myself im going to do it . and im glad i did. the positive sure out weighs the neg.and look im still here i didnt kill myself lol
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I took chantix for about a month and a half. At first it was okay except that I dreamed of cigs all night long. I didn't have the bad nightmares that I have heard about. The pills started making me sick so I stopped taking them. Talk to your doctor and let him tell you whether the cahntix would be right for you, I don't think it is right for everyone. Good luck and keep in touch. Take care. Angelquit - Free and Healing for Three Months, Thirteen Days, 17 Hours and 57 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days and 8 Hours, by avoiding the use of 2115 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $392.98.
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I took chantix for 2 months...I don't have anything horrible to say about worked for me....I had issues with some nausea in the mornings...but just eat breakfast before you take it. Doc said I could smoke the first week of taking I did....I smoked an off brand of my normal know something that tastes different than your original brand. Doc said they would start tasting different as the days went if I did have to smoke...I would light up a nasty smoke..and inhale a couple times just to ease the urge and then put it the third day I was only having one full smoke a the 5th day...I said no more....there was no urge to smoke anymore..they tasted nasty ..they weren't my original smoke..and that was it. I did not have nightmares...I didn't not want to kill myself...I was not in depression....but that is just me...I won't tell anyone how they will feel on this drug because...I would be blasted from all sides on this's your choice...I hope it works for you....but YOU have to WANT TO QUIT....and the drug just helps you along hopefully!!! 101 days smokes free!!!!
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