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Give and get support around quitting


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my new friends here at Ex! I hope that everyone who wants to be smoke free in 2009 will succeed.

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183 Respuestas

I have a quit day set in 8 days. My hardest thing is that first smoke in the morning. I'm not sure how I can replace that. Anybody have any suggestions? I have been a smoker since I was 14 years old and Iam now 22 with a beautiful 3 year old son and I want to set a better example for him.

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Made it through day one!  Just going to take it one day at a time!

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i quit on the 24th of April.  i went to a stop smoking seminar with hypnosis. the first three days were rough but much better now and am going for long periods without any cravings only one or two a day which i beat back with three deep breaths.

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i have a patch on and i am doing great i am on my 8th day of quiting smoking and i feel great i go for walks and bike  riding i enjoy listen to music  to relax 

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First day again  Have tried before but this is going to be the one   Been a little rough 1st day always is  tomorrow will be better   

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HI Everyone, 

This is day 17 for me and for the most part I am doing well. I have identified triggers and changed habits. The hardest for me was the am cigarette and the after work one. I had to prepare in advance so the week before quitting I started to prolong my AM cigarette as long as possible, i tried doing the same when I got home from work. I played games on my ipad to distract me for a while and it helped a lot. The cravings are still most prominent at those times but I figure if I can keep pushing them away then I will succeed. 

Quitting has it's ups and downs like any other goal you may set for yourself, we just have to have the will to follow through. I am writing this as much for myself as I am for everyone else. I want to succeed this time; I am so over smoking. 

Good luck and stay strong

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Hi everyone.

I hope to make it to lunch withour a smoke.

Then the rest of the day.

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hi everyone; i have been a non smoker for 4 weeks and three days. I quit by going to a stop smoking seminar where they hypnotize you.  I dont know if I was actually hypnotized but it was more of a group thing where everyone was there for the same reason.

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Hello everyone, tomorrow will hopefully be the day I can kick this habit. I have tried so many times and failed so I broke down and bought the patches, gonna start using ten tomorrow! I hope they help I've never made it over  a day or two smoke free. Have the worked for anyone else?

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For people in this group, I have a plan and it is working well.  Count how many sticks each day for awhile and then cut out one every 5-7 days.  So you never quit, you just learn how to live with one less, and as the number gets lower, you learn more ways to replace the old habit.  Let me know if this helps. It has worked for me so far with a few slip ups, but still on schedule.

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