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Coffee tastes weird

has anyone found that their coffee isn't as "satisfying" since quitting? I know they go together like peanut butter and jelly, but I thought I had read that quitting might make "us" more sensitive to caffeine. 

Just wondering if any other coffee-holics are falling out of love with coffee since quitting. 


34 Respuestas

My coffee taste a lot better.  I enjoy it soooooooooooo much.   I am able to switch it up.  My family and friends know how much I love it.  It is often a pleasant surprise gift for me.  This morning I had Dunkin Donut Reg Roast.  Yesterday it was Panera Bread.  They knock Starbucks to the side.  Your smoking was probably masking the true flavors.  Most of the time I used purified water, makes a big difference.  Just keep at it.  You will work it out. 


When I stopped smoking I treated myself to a "Keurig", that way I could switch it up with different cups to make it more interesting...

Only one small side's like liquid CRACK! I am bouncing off the walls, but I get a lot of housework done, and have become VERY social at work!!!!


That's the best thing I've read all day! Lol! I'm sure my family would be thrilled if I had energy and did housework! Haha!  I also treated myself to a keurig- its crazy addictive but mostly for my teenagers- they LOVE it!!!! I'm pretty sure I will negate any smoking savings by Starbucks Kcups! 


Which is exactly why I couldn't commit to going half de-caf for all of my coffee.  I love my Starbucks Kcups!  And I've yet to find any brand of Kcups that are half de-caf.


Ha! I knew it!!! I was feeling a little déjà vu!!



Ha!  I was just searching for this discussion.  Forgot it was started by you.  No wonder this seemed like déjà vu to me too!


Can't say that I have noticed that it doesn't taste as good since I never really liked coffee.  I like those ridiculous iced coffee, frappes with vanila and a shot of expresso.  Not that I have those at home but I drink coffee for one reason, to wake up.  Sad, but true.  Whenever I hear people saying how good coffee is...I will take a sip and it tastes just like it did LAST time.  Now, if it tasted like the grounds SMELL, I would love it but I have never had any that tasted like that.



The frappe are not ridiculous! They are heavenly!!!;) 

my husband says the same- loves the smell, hates the taste. Likes to steal kisses while I'm drinking it. (Wink wink) 

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Hahaha...the grounds smell heavenly...the frappes are just loaded with empty calories and I didn't start adding the shot of expresso until a couple of months ago when my daughter pointed out that they have no coffee in them.  I was like..."WHAT?"  No wonder I am tired all the time.


YES!  In my early days of quitting coffee tasted like poo poo!!!  I was so sad since I really love my coffee.  I drink it black and once my taste buds came back and my sense of smell, I discovered new flavors within the coffee!  Then I discovered I am a coffee snob and only like certain brands of coffee and it has to be strong and brewed properly!  

Then I got used to it and everything went back to "normal".  LOL!  All is good...

The caffeine never really impacted me that much.  I can still drink coffee in the evenings and go to sleep.