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Closet Smokers

I figured I had better join this group because I'm often home alone and my husband still smokes, which I could see as an open invitation to have a cigarette. This is Day 5 for me smoke-free, probably because I've been spending a lot of time on this site. I have to keep it in the front of my mind that regardless of whether my husband continues to smoke, I need to stay stopped.
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I am DEFINITELY a closet Smoker. Some of my frens know, some dont. My family is VERY religious so cigarettes is like a ticket to hell. I have gotten the "You smell great" compliment too, and i ALWAYS say "I didnt even put anything on". ANOTHER reason I want to quit. I LOVE my sprays and lotions! I'm sick of spending ridiculous money just to cover up a smell!

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Oh ME!!! I have a bottle of bath and body works body spray I keep in my car so that when I get to work I spritz myself down and I think no one is the wiser!! The funny thing is, I do it mainly so that a co-worker of mine who quit smoking (COLD TURKEY!!!) almost a year ago wont smell me and be like UGH YOU SMELL LIKE CIGARETTES!!!


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Yep...I'm a closet smoker, would love to join in with you guys and help support each other. Most don't know I smoke and I go to amazingt lengths to make sure they don't. But I can never give anyone a ride in my car...cos it stinks and I'm ashamed. If only I could put as much energy into quitting! That would be good!

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I am a closet smoker as well.  The only people I really keep it from are family members, my friends and boyfriend all know.  The stress of hiding it was getting to me, I don't know about you guys... That alone was enough to make me want to quit.  I hated feeling guilty and always hiding something. I have only been cigarette free for about 36 hours though, so hopefully we can help each other quit!

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Hello there!

I am a fellow closet smoker.  My friends and boyfriend know I smoke, but my parents and other family do not.  The stress of trying to hide the fact that I smoke is enough to make me quit, I never felt right sneaking around lying about it and trying to hide the fact that I did smoke... My journey to quit just began a few days ago, but hopefully we can all help each other out!

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any one have any wors of wisdom? its day 1 for me

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Take it one day at a time.  There are going to be cravings and finding something to take your mind off of the cravings is key.  Also, I definitely have to break the routine of when and where I used to smoke..  Since I was a closet smoker I would always run to Wal-mart to sneak one or two in, I went there yesterday for the first time without smoking a cigarette, and that felt like quite a break through for me.. I think if I stop parking in the same spot there it will make it even easier.  I have to keep myself busy at the times I would usually be smoking a cigarette, so if I am doing something else at that time, I won't be thinking about one.

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Well this looks like the place for me too. Closet smokers unite...all of the above is so true.  Sprays, mouthwash, wahing hands all the time and standing out in the freezing weather has done it in for me!  But, Doesnt help that my hubby chews and so in the past I justified my habit because he stil did his! But, I'm now doing this for me!  I like the freedom of it...I just hope I don't eat everything in sight!!  I think that's my biggest fear, but oh well, jsut need to get my butt moving more! lol

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I only smoke at home and with friends that smoke. Never when I go out. Every morning I spray my clothes with Febreze before I go to work. I keep a small bottle in my car to kill the smell. If I think anybody might come to my house I spray the whole place down. I quit for 4-1/2 years then started back (crazy, dumb thing to do). Everyone in my family has quit (I did smoke around some of them) My biggest worry is weight gain, I use to have a weight problem and I have a huge fear of gaining weight and starting back because of it. Anyone have any suggestions to keep from putting on the POUNDS????

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i'm an ex closet's day 6. i threw out my stashes of sprays, lotions, mints, gum, lighters, and matches so i couldn't rely on them. i smoked a half a pack a day for 6 years...i'm hoping i took my last drag ever on 12/31/09.

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