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Give and get support around quitting


Closet Smokers

I figured I had better join this group because I'm often home alone and my husband still smokes, which I could see as an open invitation to have a cigarette. This is Day 5 for me smoke-free, probably because I've been spending a lot of time on this site. I have to keep it in the front of my mind that regardless of whether my husband continues to smoke, I need to stay stopped.
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77 Replies

I guess i will restart!...come on in the closet too
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Anyone know about the electronic cigerettes that are out know??? How would that work for quitting???
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I quit smoking in may  and started back up 3 months later after a very stressful day on the job which is everyday but I just felt I couldn't take it anymore.I stopped at the store bought a pack feeling so bad about myself but when I smoked one I felt my stress disappearing.I have since then smoke 6 a day but never at work so noone will know.I am embarrassed to buy cigerettes but I still manage to do it. I worked out before and during the time I quit,I had a nerve problem for a minute in one leg and said I will just have these 6 to stop me from gaining weight because even from going for a pack to 6 cigerettes a day I am fighting with my weight I have not gone up a size but my clothes sometimes feel snug. I got back in the gym this week and I said to myselfr I would not buy anymore cigerettes but guess what I had stopped at cvs to pick up a few things and said to the cashier can I please have a pack of marlbro light 100's. I set a date for december 1. I have been under so much stress but I realize I can't use that as an excuse forever,what is weird I am so ashamed and embarrassed to let people see me smoke but yet I keep buying them.

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I am so ashamed about my smoking.  I work in the healthcare field for a get this...wellness clinic.  We help people quit smoking and other health related goals.  No one (I think) at work knows I smoke about 10 cigarettes on work days and 15 on non-work days.  My family all thinks I quit 2 years ago.  I did for a while but blamed a bad divorce to start again.  So here I sit in my car or apartment hoping no one I know will see me.  I hate having to leave in the middle of the holiday celebrations so I can go home or drive around and smoke.  Help.  I set a quit date for December 28th.  I tried Chantix but felt awful on it.  I had such nightmares and felt very off.  I have heard many people doing great on it though.  I think I am going to go with the gum.  Last year I quit for ten days on it.  Thanks for listening.  I don't want the stink in my life anymore!

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i didnt think there were other closet smokers.  I thought I was the only person sneaking around with air freshners, cologne, mints, mouthwash, gum, etc, etc.  I want to quit.  I need to quit.  I dont want my wife and daughter to give me that disappointed look.  I have set a date, 2/1/10, and I am getting nicotine gum first thing in the morning.

Dont be surprised if you see me whinning and moping around on this site.  All my friends think I quit so I have no other form of support.0 0

Thanks for listening.  This is the first time I have admitted out loud (so to speak) that I am smoking.  I am going to quit for good this time.  With God's help

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good luck siscokid, you can quit, stay strong,

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Thank god I found this site! My husband knows I smoke but my kids think that I quit awhile ago although my 11 year-old daughter is more intune and is probably on to me! I look absolutely hillarious and sad when I "sneak" a smoke...I put on my plastic hair cap and cover up with an old hoodie sweatshirt so that I don't smell like cigarettes and go outside.  Then I come inside and wash my hands and brush my teeth. I am quite literally "smokey the bandit"! Help me end this ridiculousness.

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I hope this group will help us ex closet smokers get support!  How many of you are ex closet smokers like me? 

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I do the same thing too.  My husband knows that I smoke, but there are certain people in my life that do not know.  It's always funny when I spray Bath and Body Works on after a cigarette and then I get a compliment for smelling good.  I think to myself, If you only knew! 

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