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Cigarettes are my security blanket

I have the desire to quit. I even have patches, but I still smoke instead of putting the patch on. Or worse, I take it off to smoke. I already know it’s dangerous to keep doing that. I try not to smoke with it on. Any suggestions to get me over this part?

10 Replies

Hi and Welcome to ex’s...cgov2626 

You are here, you have the desire to quit, now you need the help to get started.  You need to set a quit date, plan for that day, become knowledgable and realize it takes hard work, but is so doable.  Read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX 

there you will start to plan a quit date which will include the night before getting rid of all smoking paraphernalia.  No one ever died from getting rid of their smokes and trying to quit.  Next, you need to read here and on the net everything you can about addiction and quitting.  Also, coming here for help and to support others on this journey.  Honestly, cigarettes were all of our security blankets, because we were addicts...They truly never helped us, we just were feeding the next fix...You really need to make this your priority especially in the beginning.  You make Day 1, Day Won...and add a day...”one day at a time”...Keep busy...there are so many things to do in place of smoking.../blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=a... Sure I may sound like it is easy, it isn’t, it took hard work, but here I am 480 days Free after I was you too...we are here for you hon...just stay close...~ Colleen 


Thanks. I have done alot of the above and will continue to research.  I plan to stay close. Thanks for your reply. It means so much to have support from you and the community.


I agree with what Colleen said.  I've attempted to quit numerous times.  I hadn't educated myself about nicotine addiction and didn't have a plan.  I'd pick an aid and a date and entered into quitting with blinders on.  Of course it didn't work.  Don't let the fear of quitting keep you from quitting.  When I realized it was a choice and I could smoke again if I wanted to, made it possible for me one day at a time.  It takes work, so make the commitment and jump on board. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  We're here to support you.  This community saved my quit early on many times.  That's why we're here.   Knowing there are other's on this site that have experienced or are experiencing the same thing, gives you the strength to be successful.   I celebrated 2 years smoke free recently.  Trust me, I never thought I could do it.  You can too.


Not applicable

I wondered myself if I could I live life without my security blanket named Smoky .

The answer was and still is  : Yes you can . 

Think of babies for a minute . Many have a security blanket for a time and even a baby bottle or toy can become their security . As moms who want our kids to grow and to be independent and strong so we take them away . We know they will be ok .The toddler will cry a while ...  maybe every minute of that first ,  maybe that first , second third week , then maybe just once a day , then once a week if that but you see , they do move on . They grow and live life in the moment and forget all about that blanket . They might remember years later about the blanket and it might become a conversation like today is for example but they don't carry it around as security anymore . It's a memory . 

Same for us now adult smokers . We let that crutch we've held on to for years go. We give up that security blanket for growth . 

It will be something we will always remember . It was a big part of our lives,  but unlike the fond memory of an infants baby blanket , the memory of smoking will hold no value .... your quit will . 


Believe others ahead of you .... even those one day ahead of you . They are lliving life without their security blanket  and they are ok . 

You will be too . 

Going back to the beginning ...

" I wondered myself if I could I live life without my security blanket . 
The answer was and still is : Yes you can ." 

You will feel great ! 

Have you ever ever thought about how many ways smoking had us convinced it helped . They were all lies . 

I took my patch off to smoke too . I didn't make that quit either . I learned from it tho . 

NRTs will not take all the craves away . Think of pain as gain .  It is ok to have craves , it'snormal to have them quite a while actually or if one is very very lucky you may not have them at all but I would say that's very rare . Everyone is different . 

It's ok to be uncomfortable    .....  it's temporary .

Accept them as part of your healing . 

We dont judge. 

You are doing great ... keep up with it ..  be addiction smart ....  outsmart it ..... it will come. 



Do you want to quit SUCKING ON DEATH STICKS - no one can convince YOU  


What you refer to as a security blanket is really addiction. Because you want to quit, making a plan is important to do. But the plan should be all your own. I like to think of a plan as a list of things one is willing to do other than smoke. It has to be a list that you agree with--if you hate to clean, don't put it on the list. If you like to read put it on the list. 

I quit 6.5 years ago at the age of 54. I did it cold turkey and on my own (no Ex). I was a mess!!! But I did not smoke. I walked because I love to walk. I drew, took pictures of birds and animals and drew them. I watched comedies. I whined. I wondered when in hell I would un-link from the damn cigarettes. Time brought me to the end of my dependency. I could not have understood that on day one--but it was true. Around Ex it is said all the time--one day at a time, one step at a time.

If in quitting you want to be done with the dependency in 24 hours--well for most of us it just doesn't work that way. You have to be willing to have some discomfort. Ex is here to listen. You can count on this community to listen, respond. You can also read, comment and feel confident that you are a part of this community as long as you wish to be.

You can find your smobriety. by Jackie

Dopamine - the Double Edged Blade by Thomas

/blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2019/08/05/give-this-the-time-it-takes by Nancy

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube  


Thank you maryfreecig for the response and the links. I appreciate your efforts and support.


No Amount of NRT will work if you're not Committed.  U have to want it like u never wanted anything in your Life.  U are worth it. Prayer and patches worked for me.  I prayed asking God to take all desire away. Put the patch on Every morning. Then at night Prayed Telling God Thank you for One More Smoke Free Day.  If u do your part He will do his. I promise.  I'm Almost 3 years Of Smoberity.  I will pray for U.


Although I felt shame for doing it, I used to LOVE to smoke. It was such a messed up thing for me. I knew all the negatives of smoking on my health and finances, but just was unwilling to give up this thing (smoking) that was so important to me. 

When I set out to quit recently, I gave it 100% and truly had to change my relationship toward my former habit. I knew that thing I had loved to do was an addition. Additionally, while I had also formerly thought about it as a security blanket, after the first few weeks, I finally recognized smoking had given me an outlet for avoidance! Geesh, did I waste a lot of time avoiding things by spending time with my addiction. 

I did use NRT gum. When I chose to stop this final time, I bought a box of gum and vowed I not by another pack of cigarettes. I would not let myself have both in the house (because I had smoked and chewed the NRT gum in the past). I made 100% commitment to myself. You can make that commitment to yourself and succeed by making the decision and seeing it through! 


45 DOF