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Charging into Day 1 with Optimism and Getting Slapped in the Face!!

Yes, today was day 1 of my journey to quit smoking. I knew it would be tough. I followed every single bit of advice that I researched on this website. I drank at least 10 bottles of water today, along with a 32 oz. Dr. Pepper, a wine cooler, and at least 1/2 a gallon of iced tea!!! I don't chew gum, but I LOVE sugar free menthol cough drops so I sucked on a ton of those today. I even used my electronic cigarette as backup for the most severe cravings. I did very well, I think, up until about 5:30pm. And that's when I felt like I could have actually KILLED someone!!!! Holy cow!!!! I did NOT know the emotions would get THAT intense!!! So, i removed myself from the every day situation I was in, locked my house door and played with my rescue kittens until I calmed down. Phewwww... Glad THAT is over with! I sure hope and pray tomorrow is a lot smoother than that!

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11 Respuestas

hi so glad you didnt kill someone,... hve you read allen carrs book easyway to quit smoking...heres a link to a free copy

 quitting smoking is hard work .. but it can be done...hang in there and welcome

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Congrats on your decision to quit smoking! The first 3 days are tough but, it gets better and better everyday. Millions of people quit smoking everyday, if they can do it, you can do it too. Read Allen Carr's book, it is the most helpful thing you can do to quit the evil demon weed and to stay quit. This is the best thing you will ever do for your health and well being. Hang in there!!!  N.O.P.E   NOT ONE PUFF EVER!!!

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The fist 3 days are the worest. the jackel and Hide effect, should wind down by 3 weeks. See it took a cute kitty to calm you and thats great. I walked of my anger. and I warned my family, and they were supportive, and just said lets walk it out.

You she be so proud of your self you got past day one.

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Well does get better

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great job, keep it up

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Hang in there.  It is so worth it.  You will be feeling so great after the first 3 weeks, I guarentee it.  And it does get easier and easier.  Remember, the nicotine is gone from your body in 3 days and then it gets all mental.  Take Not One Puff Ever and it will be your forever quit.

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Good Job! Keep it up.

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Hi, Tarra, welcome to EX. 

Congratulations on making the smartest decision you will ever make for your own health!  You said you've done all the research and reading that has been suggested. That's great.  Have you read an article called "Nicotine Addiction 101" on  It really helps many people understand what effect nicotine has been having on their brain and why they THINK they "need" and "love" smoking.  It just really seems to be easier to view your quitting experience differently if you can understand it better and sort of "step outside" and "observe" it in a third-person kind of way.

Stay close to this site.  Blog often and about anything.  We are here to help you!  And after the third day, it DOES start to get easier!  We promise. 


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If you read everything here suggested then one more suggestion - throw away the e-cig! It is not and doesn't función as a quit smoking tool - period! Read the Law of Addiction 101 at! Don't give yourself a shot of Nicotine while withdrawing from Nicotine! You'll just make it thatuch harder! Keep reading and find your Quititude!
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