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Chantix side-effects, or not?

I'm still taking chantix and still smoke free. As far as dreams go,I rareley would dream untill I started taking chantix,now i dream every night- No really bad dreams and I can go right back into them if i wake up and go back to sleep. I can say that most of them are strange though. I notice that if I take the evening pill around 5p.m.- the dreams are easy but if I take the evening pill closer to bed time-the dreams are more intense and much more vivid. When i first starting taking chantix I did experience some side effects that almost changed my mind about taking it all together. I experienced some paranoia and I had a few suicidal thoughts. That was about the first few weeks.I figured that i was experiencing side effects from the chantix because I'v always believed that suicide was a permanant solution to a temporary problem. Now the only thing I'v notice is that when I get really mad or upset,my nose bleeds. Anybody else experiencing this?
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31 Replies

Hi Dana~

You mentioned that your going through Menopause~ That could be very well whats behind your crying, along with taking the Chatix.
Speak to your doctor about the possibility of being placed on hormone replacement therapy for this, as it does help! I am concerned that your going through this and the side effects from the Chantix, so please keep your doctor updated and posted,K?
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Hi Shesalonewolf,

I was on hormone replacement therapy after hysterectomy 4 years ago. I went off the drugs two years ago due to the horrible side effects they caused . Doc has me coming in weekly to check me out.. I have a few other health issues .. as well so she is watching me pretty closely. We have talked about the whole crying jags and we both agree that for the moment were not going to be overly concerned. Just watchful! The Chantix even with the side effects has helped allot more than it has hurt at this point I have asked all of my close friends to also watch for any signs that I am loosing my mind 🙂

Day 17!!!!


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Glad to hear this Dana! Sounds like you have a good grip on the situation~ Keep up the great work !!! and good idea about having your friends keep an watchful eye too ~ Hope the *tears* pass soon !!! 🙂
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I had the weirdest dreams when I was trying chantix, along with the nausea. It stopped the cravings but the side effects were way to intense for me. I agree with you on the weird dreams, I started talking to myself more about a bunch of nonsense. Sometimes I got really bad migraines.
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Hello Fran, I was just reading through some of the posts and ran across yours. I think you are very right about being depressed when you even cut back your cigs as I have. I smoke as much as you did and for only 2 years less than you did and cutting back has been very hard for me, but I am doing it and have been doing it for about 2 weeks now, down to 8 a day. I have been depressed a lot but not every minute of everyday but some days are worse than others. I had a DR tell me one time what you said about cigs being your best friend and when you quit it is like a death and that is how I have been feeling for 2 weeks now. It was so nice to read your post because I felt like I was talking to someone with the same feelings I am having. It gives me hope that I too can quit and stay quit. I have never tried to quit before and hopefully I will not have to go through this 3 more times. Keep up the great work!!!!
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The dreams seem to entertain me!
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Ok. I took chantix for 12 weeks. I am smoke free 16 days and have made up my mind that I'm not going to smoke anymore...period no matter what!!! Here's a saying that fits not matter what the situation or the trial or tribulation...TOUGH SHIT DON'T SMOKE!!!!! You want to quit and stay quit weave that into your brain...
Now in reguards to the side I had no nose bleeds, I didn't have nausea or vomiting either, but my b/f did. Yes I have had extremely vivid dreams, and thoughts of suicide, however I am bipolar so if it's related to the chantix I can't say for sure. The one thing I can see in almost all of your comments is the depression...ok check this are not depressed because of the are actually depressed cause you are MOURNING THE LOSS OF YOUR BEST FRIEND...meaning your cigaresttes...I smoked atleast a pack and a half everyday for 22 felt like I had lost a family member!!! The chantix is not to blame for depression. You are simply going through one of the many phases of quitting smoking...everyone who quits an addiction goes through it...suggestion for helpful tips checkout an AA meeting...I know that sounds ridiculous but seriously quitting smoking for a hard core smoker is seriously the same as an alcoholic quitting drinking or a drug addict quitting a drug...I shit you not...Granted not all of the things you might hear in an AA meeting apply to your quitting smoking but I guarentee that you will find you have more in common withthese people than you might have thought...I'm not an AA member, nor am I an NA member, I am not an alcoholic or an addict (except for the cigarettes). Seriously though give that some thought. Being bipolar I actually talked to my psychiatrist prior to taking chantix, I wanted to see if she would recommend it. She gave it the thumbs up. Try to remember that taking the chantix is a short term thing. If you don't like the side effects get smoke free recondition your thinking and get off it. You don'thave to ween off it or anything. Worst case if you are really having a tough time see a therepist or psychiatrist...Stay strong!!! You can do this...oh and everyone dreams everytime they enter REM sleep, but most don't remember their dreams. Again being bipolar I have always had very vivid dreams all the time so I wasn't able to notice a change.
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Thanks for you input Fran, but there is documented evidence that Chantix does indeed cause depression in some individuals ~ ...above that of normal withdrawals from nicotene~ and it a very relative concern when taking this medication.
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i'm a new user of chantix,,,i experiencing upset stomach, so far.
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Val, I get a short term nauseous feeling with the morning dose - this morning I ate a yogurt immediately before taking the Chantix and never got the nausea - could be a fluke - but for what it's worth Activia has its benefits. Hang in there - it's worth it!
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