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Chantix side-effects, or not?

I'm still taking chantix and still smoke free. As far as dreams go,I rareley would dream untill I started taking chantix,now i dream every night- No really bad dreams and I can go right back into them if i wake up and go back to sleep. I can say that most of them are strange though. I notice that if I take the evening pill around 5p.m.- the dreams are easy but if I take the evening pill closer to bed time-the dreams are more intense and much more vivid. When i first starting taking chantix I did experience some side effects that almost changed my mind about taking it all together. I experienced some paranoia and I had a few suicidal thoughts. That was about the first few weeks.I figured that i was experiencing side effects from the chantix because I'v always believed that suicide was a permanant solution to a temporary problem. Now the only thing I'v notice is that when I get really mad or upset,my nose bleeds. Anybody else experiencing this?
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31 Respuestas

I haven't heard about nose bleeds. I took it as well and had odd dreams as well (along with HORRIBLE smelling gas at first). I did have one suicidal thought but it was brief and almost like I was deciding about what shoe to wear and not about ending my life. It was kind of like this: "I should kill myself. No, I'll wear the black shoes." It was very odd and only happened once.
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The one suicidal thought sticks out more the others happened like this, I walked out the back door and stood on the porch and before taking the steps down to the backyard, I looked up at a tree that hangs over the porch and driveway and thought to myself...'' I bet I could stand right here,(3 different nieghbors would have full view of where I was standing and what i would be doing)make a noose,toss it up in that branch,and hang myself and hang for a couple of minutes,before being noticed''. Then I stepped off the porch and continued to the garage to finish laundry.I remember saying to myself''What the hell was that?,Where'd that come from?''- Since I never had thoughts like this before and Chantix was new to my body,thats how I figured thats what and where the thought came from. Since I came up with that,the other thoughts were almost exactly like yours. Oh!,and same here about the gas-What's that about?!LOL!!!
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It's already happening. Check it out.
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It's very odd and very scary when you think about it. If someone did follow through on one of these random thoughts, there would be no stopping them. No warnings. I still say that Chantix was the best thing I every tried. I had NO withdrawals and only had to break the habit. Not to say that was a cake walk but it was much easier dealing with just that and not both issues.
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I AGREE! I also think that its just a matter of time before someone goes to a doctor (that is unfamiliar with them),says they want to qiut smoking,and gets a script for Chantix-Two weeks later,commits suicide. Of coarse the chantix will be blamed,due to its side effects and all,not the fact that the person probably checked ''no'' on their paperwork and then verified their answers verbaly with the doc themselves. Then bye-bye Chantix. What do you think?
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Hi, I am taking the chantix also. I have been taking it for over the 3 months now, just starting my second phase, or another 3 months off it. Its working well for me, but I also experienced the vivid dreams. I also didnt dream alot, or ememver them but these are as I said, very
I havent had the problem with the anger /upset and nose bleeds, but I have experienced the depression. Along with nauseau if I dont eat really well when I take it, and migraine headaches when I dont take it ~
All in all? I am still really in favor of this drug as I have never made it this far before, when I have attempted to quit in the past. 🙂
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Yes, I spoke to my doc about it too ~ Just being "aware" that this
IS a side effect also helps to get through it when it does happen. I havent felt the depression
or had any depressed suicidal thoughts now however for quite some time. The vivid dreams however
have lasted. .... lol...they are kind of a *treat* as I dont usually remember or have dreams at all
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Same here. I still occasionaly feel a coming on,which tends to make me a bit on edge,but the difference is now I can calm myself down by finding something to do and I tell myself ''it will only last 15 min. tops-I can handle this''. Although I know without the Chantix I couldn't. I also experience the ''blues'' still,and like you,I tell myself ''it's just a side-effect'' and that seems to put me back on track. Isn't it strange how that works?
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I had some side effects from the chantix but I did not ever feel like I wanted to kill myself, I threw-up if I did not eat before I took the pill. I know it helped my Aunt that was a 4 pack a day for years!!!!!! Edith
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