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Chantix a third try

Hi Everyone, I have a question. I have had two previous attempts at quitting with Chantix that were both fairly successful. Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way that one smoke is impossible for me.

I have started taking it a 3rd time but it does not seem to be working as well for me. I still have cravings like crazy. Does anyone know if it takes longer to kick in after you've used it twice?

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1 Reply

i tried chantix for the third time back in June. never the less, i had to put my quit on hold. but, my experience with chantix this time sucked. the night mares never stopped, i had an upset stomach the entire time. i think that medicine is a once in a chance thing. it either takes the first time or you're bumming. remember how it didn't seem quite the same on the second time. good luck though, maybe it was just my system that hated it. Pam
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