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2nd Hand Smoke-Very Very Dangerous

Is anyone out here aware of what goes into the air from 2nd hand smoke? The tobacco producers in the world add all kinds of chemicals and such to their products and that makes for an appealing cigarette or cigar in the end. When a person exhales this poison into the open air, he/she has no idea what they add to the air around them. I was informed that chemicals such as formaldehyde are released. Do you know who uses this chemical, undertakers. They use this for embalming dead people. This being one of many dangerous facts tells me to avoid anyone on the street who is smoking. Maybe he/she may have a death wish but I do not have one. Think about this with 2nd hand smoke and maybe that next cigarette you light up should be your last. It helps you and the world around you. Take care all and God Bless.
Harry Miller
"2003 Volunteer Of The Year" Award Winner At The Mount Sinai Medical Center In New York City
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