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Changing Seasons

This will be my first spraying as a non-smoker. We had one nice day and it was Saturday. I completely fell apart and sobbed and sobbed. I missed smoking on my front porch when it was nice outside. It did not seem so hard to quit in the winter time, but now it's been three and a half months and the change of weather is bringing back all kinds of memories and I am falling into a deep depression. Help!

31 Replies

Thanks Nancy.

I personally don't think it's a good idea to be posting stats like that, its very disheartning, I am 8 weeks along and feel quite stable in my quit tho I do have my days, if I was not as stable or earlier in my quit it's enough for me to throw in the towel and call it pointless. Luckily for me I am determined to think positive and take one day at a time.

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I agree with you Jan.   Thanks also to Nancy.     I am 44 days out.  Most of the time I feel confident in my Quit.  That item threw me for a Loop.... I went and did the reading on it and now understand.   Suffering with my chronic pain,the cold weather, everything I’ve done in the 2 wks I ‘ve been home ad well as NML and problems with repairs that were lined up and not completed.   Just Frazzled Me.    Today I truly don’t know if all of the issues are my quit and fallout from that or  I have managed to pick up a bug??????  Or some of my meds are starting to maje me sick.    My digestive system has been ugly all day.  As well as horrible muscle and joint oain with severe headache.  Off to bed.   Tmw. Another day in the Fight or Lasting Freedom.   Prairie. 44 dof


 I don't agree. I think it's good to know what we're up against. Know thy enemy as they say. It is discouraging but we all know that quitting is not easy. If it was there wouldn't be so many people out there saying, yeah I know I have to quit but not doing anything about it. l just think it's too bad that by the time some of us get it through our thick skulls it's too late. In terms of preventing permanent disability because of smoking. Yes, sometimes it takes a few years before it disables, but if you already have emphysema, it's only going to get worse. I'm sorry to be such a downer but it's true. The bright side is that it would disable sooner and worse if we hadn't quit

I got a lot of good advice from this discussion. I want to thank you all. I learned some new things. I especially like what Nancy said about making new memories around the changing seasons. Others of you have mentioned it also. I have been reading a book called The Power of Habit. And it talks about if you want to change some behavior you have to develop new habits. and that's exactly what I need to do.

Luckily it got cold again, so I feel safe for a little longer. I am going to be ready for the day when the sun is shining and it's warm outside.

If My Mama Hadn't Told Me To Turn My Head When I Got A Shot,

They'd Still Hurt.

I actually found turning the head with shots...prevents people like my self with muscular issues from tensing up and it does reduce the pain. If the nurse is using the right guage needle for the doesn't hurt anyway. I am small boned and thin,if they use a big guage needle they black and blue me. If the right one is used,don't even feel it...

I guess,now that I'm slowly wading through a bunch of new info. glad to know it is there. I do believe in being prepared.........

Storm rolling in tonight up here....I have NEVER BEEN THROUGH A SNOW STORM WITHOUT CIGARETTES! I didn't smoke with my 2 pregnancies.... so I don't remember what those winters were like???????????? Isn't that strange.????????? Now some memory issues are age and kids are just about 42 and 44 yrs. old .................

Just had some carpeting restretched today....... I Never thought about smoke at all! The young man who did it, is also his 4 yr. old daughter won't let him hug her if he has smoked!!!!!! He is going about it differently than I am and is 30.....He is Mom and Dad both to a 2 yr. old son and 4 yr. old daughter. Has his hands full! Has a construction business. 

We were so happy,we have him coming back for other repairs and to paint 3 big rooms.... I can't do it anymore! SO THERE GOES MY SMOKING MONEY    !!!!!    I SPENT IT ON THINGS I REALLY NEEDED TO DO! By the time it is done and everything is back in place...All spring cleaning will be done except windows and blinds.......

Storm is for the whole weekend unless they change forcast again.....I say these storms are just to make my quit a rougher road! I hate cold and snow! At least the sun was shining today........

  prairie 45 dof

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They say you got watch out for the 3s. Three weeks, three months, three years. Keep the faith.


That is a good way to look at it. 

Oh Poop! I don't like that 3 3  3 scenerio...........Especially since I burned and crashed at 3 mos. more than once........

Spring....... when snow has left and puddles have dried up.... will also be HARD for me.........I Smoked outside...I smoked when I took breaks from the labor in the yard, that is very difficult for me.......Then I'd hydrate some, have the smoke,rest a couple minutes and try to push through some more........ I guess, where the butt cans were and had hubby throw out....I'll replace those spots with SUNFLOWER SEEDS IN THE SHELLS (leave in a sealed glass jar)   and  a Coffee can for the shucks........If that doesn't work...Maybe try some sketching outside on breaks? Check mail on your phone?????? My Kindle...I did sometimes read my kindle on my outside breaks....

Maybe all of us in that boat can come up with some more ideas.......... Hang Tough and keep posting so we can see how things are going..... Prairie 43 DOF


Gma_Bernie  I quit during a polar vortex in January of 2014 and I was dreading spring because I knew it would be harder for me not to smoke.  I always smoked on my deck...I changed everything around out there, got rid of anything that reminded me of smoking, put plants all over the place, made it a little haven and I could go out there and take very deep breaths and blow the air out.  I got to SMELL spring, to enjoy it in ways I hadn't in years.  I went for walks (I could do it back then), I actually enjoyed the new growth of plants without having a smelly cigarette blocking my view and my smell.  I lost quits in the past because of my fear of going outside and feeling the, I am making new memories and new associations with the outdoors and with the warmer weather.  Each season brings challenges but we CAN make new memories that are healthy and happy...yes, happy.  We can smell new mown grass, the flowers, the dirt, a coming storm...things we did not take the time to appreciate when we smoked.  This too shall pass, my friend.  I have decided that I would prefer NOT to pass myself.



I did rearrange the deck down south...I could sit on it when I left there, without being in a panic and looking for a smoke! Yippy, that was a small Victory! Prairie 43 DOF