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Can someone help me with a Toolbox?

My recent quit is on day 8. I had a lot of false starts but kept trying and 8 days ago stuck. Past the withdrawals now and have been back reading the posts. I have been trying to find some suggestions for putting together my Toolbox, which I have not done yet and NEED to do. Cravings when my guard is down are dangerous for my long term quit so I really want to have a strong Toolbox to go to. Does anyone have resource suggestions or should I just do the normal list/cards of reasons I quit? Appreciate any insight!


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Besides all the great links above, I can tell you what I did for myself.  I bought Tootsie Pops, I wrote Smoking Is Not An Option (SINAO) on a piece of paper and put it up so I could see it every day, I read everything on this site and the WhyQuit site, and I made sure I never had enough cash to buy a pack.

I always had licorice on me. I like the cheaper Walgreen's brand than Twizzlers.  I went through bags and bags of them.  Mints and gum was always in my car and in my purse at all times.  I use the app Quit It.  That was extremely helpful when a crave hit I would look at the progress and the health benefits.  And of course my peeps here on EX!


The app is awesome. Thank you! 

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I ate a LOT of Sour Patch Kids because they were so sour that they took away my attention from craving.  I also kept frozen cherries and blueberries nearby and ate them with a spoon so my fingers would not take on the color and scare people.  I drank so much water that I spent a LOT of time in the bathroom AND I had a lemon handy...just in case.  I never had to bite into it.  PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE remember that smoking does not help with anything.  It doesn't fix anything or make anything better but it DOES damage your body and the damage is not reversible.  Take it from someone who did not listen to the warnings.

Remember that we are here and stay very have great suggestions above.


what I did was went back to the beginning when I was tracking my cigarettes and listing my triggers (stress, boredom, after meals, etc.) and then I filled out the section of how I plan to separate  and chose a different one for each trigger and printed it.  For example, meals, stick of gum........ stress, stress ball........ boredom, game on computer.....


All of the above.  Read, Read, Read....print off articles, blogs or posts that help you so that you have them.  I posted small notes all over my desk, car, purse, house, places I would keep my smokes with sayings..."Keep calm and don't smoke" "You must tell yourself...No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets, I'm going to make it!" "NOPE" "No one ever died from QUITING smoking" etc. Atomic Fireballs (aka Tongue Torchers at Dollar General) and cinnamon discs have been my saving grace. Read and connect with Elders, EXer's and anyone who will build you up.  Most important for me....KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.  Negativity can bring me down and start me smoking faster than a lightning strike. I surround myself with positive vibes, sayings and people.  I have no room for negativity.  I can always find something good to say even if its as simple as ....Hey....your socks match! 


Oops. Actually day 9! See, going by faster than I was even aware of. Just keep swimming...

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