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Give and get support around quitting


Came across a video

I have seen the cancerous pig lung and read lots of materials, none has gotten to me like this video. It is on my page if you wish to see it. I warn you ahead of time, do not watch it if you are skwemish (sp?). No there is no blood kind of stuff, but it is tragic.

I hope this will help not only me but others as well.
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16 Replies

Thanks Jay and congratulations on your quit!

I would appreciate all prayers. This addiction has a powerful hold on me, but the Almighty is much more powerful!
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Hi Barbara, that is pretty much what I am doing and today the boss is gone so I have a lot of time on my hands. I am also still trying to figure this blog thing I just edit the message that I already did or start a new blog when it is actually a coninuation from the previous one? I am learning slowly but surely! LOL

God's Peace, Love, & Hugs,
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You are welcome. Sometimes 'shock' therapy is what it takes. I believe this video was a wake up call for me.
I look forward to chatting with you along this journey.
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I am sorry that it made you cry. You are welcome for my posting it. Come back and view it anytime you need to.
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Just remember that the Lord won't pull you out of the fire, but he will lead you through it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I kinda stold it and posted it on my profile too.... I hope thats ok??? if its not I can take it off.... Sorry I should have asked befor I put it on there but it just touched me so much!
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That's true Jay! I messed up big time last year. April of last year when I came back to the Lord, he delivered me from nicotine. No cravings or anything, but then 6 months later the flesh started screaming at during a weak point (enemy is good at that, waiting until you are weak) and I caved back in. So I know that it will be tougher this time than that time, but I know that He will help me through.

How is your quit going?
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