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Just wondering how many of us have and wear masks in public.  I started wearing one last Saturday when we went to pick up groceries I had it on when I got out of the car to open and close the hatch

Just to make it a little interesting maybe you can share a picture of you wearing it.


62 Replies

You bet, Carl, at least this one would, lol (But, I don't smoke anymore).




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Hi from Rhode Island!

Everyone has to wear masks at work and when they go into the store here. And no gatherings of 5 or more people. 

I’ve been wearing a mask and gloves in the store since before it was required. I like being anonymous! No cat calls! No one invading my personal space. And no strangers trying to talk to me.

If you need masks, they are being sold on Etsy and Amazon. Our Job Lot is giving away fabric so folks can make their own. 

I do miss those days when I got up, showered, and went to work. I miss hugs. I miss the kids that I usually babysit. I got to see my in-laws for the first time in 2 months today and I usually see them once  a week. 

Let’s all follow the guidelines and end this thing sooner rather than later!


I have a homemade mask, but really haven't been inside anywhere to wear it.  I can open the car hatch from inside.  I did pickup meds at the vet last week and put it on when they brought them to my car.  I made one for myself from a bandanna, but just got out pillow case to make a "better" one.   I ordered a couple from Estsy a few days ago, but that will take awhile to arrive.


I tried the bandanna idea but I couldn't breathe through it


Glad to hear Etsy has them. I checked recently at Amazon and they were back-ordered into May and included a disclaimer that items such as masks were being sent first to those working in the hospitals and community~

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Etsy has masks that mold to your face.


My neighbor has a friend who sews. I got flowers!


I live in New York State, and our fabulous governor just ordered masks (or coverings) for the public if we can't keep distances, like grocery stores. Really that's the only place I go now anyway.


I can see them as being mandated in NYC AnnetteMM‌..and we here in northern New York State don't seem to be mandated to use them as when I went out today to get some milk. I was the only one in the midst of customers and employees in the convenience store that was wearing a mask. I, for one, applaud Cuomo for taking extra measures to prevent this state from a massive outbreak in counties not yet affected~ And wish more in our area were using masks when out and about

BTW, I like the way your mask molds to your nose and under your eyes; much more protective than other homemade  masks that are loose around the nose area.

Don't have a mask. I just use a pair of clean underwear.


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