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Brain Fog and muscle/body twitching

Approaching 48 hours nic free. I don’t know if it’s brain fog but my head definitely feels a bit strange. Almost like a high. 
I slept horrible last night. I’m twitching in my sleep. It’s a bit like involuntary muscle movement. 

anyone else? 

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2 Replies

@SasiaD Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first 48 hours.  Quitters experience many withdrawal symptoms.  Some are common, while others are totally unexpected.   You not only eliminated nicotine from your body, but a multitude of chemicals.   You're body is going to react.  Be patient; things will level out. Here are a few:

Withdrawal symptoms.png

Have you been reading material on the site leading up to your quit?  It's not too late!

In addition to a quit date, some aids, and smoking cessation class, I was lucky to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  I leaned about nicotine addiction and that I need to a plan to cope with cravings, triggers, etc.   I skipped these steps in the past and was never successful.  And having the support of fellow quitters saved my quit several times early on.

With knowledge and support, you can do this too.   We're here to share you're journey.  We've been there, so we know what it takes to be successful.   Work and commitment will get you where you want to be - an ex-smoker .  Use this time to prepare for you quit on the 1st.  

This link is a great place to start:

Also, consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.  I look forward to celebrating with you not only on the 1st, but your many milestones on your journey.

Stay busy and stay close.



To SasiaD--I noted this post on 3/3/23--and yes I had the same muscle and body twitching the first time I quit.  I discovered it was a part of the detox, will get better but expect it to return again around 10 -12 months.  For me the key was to keep exercising, keep moving until I was able to walk for 3-5-7-15-20-45 minutes w/o twitching, and pain free. I had to take time to build/strengthen my abdominal muscles. Taking epson salt soaks for 15 minutes each morning and night is a great help while listening to some "nerve regeneration" music.  The whole experience can be scary but with time it will get better.  Note I was evaluated by 2 doctors  and the outcome was always the same--etiology unknown possible nicotine withdrawal syndrome. In Conclusion, Know You are not alone in your symptoms. Exercise daily, take it slow, use Turmeric and thank your body for healing.