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Best craving diversions?

What do you all do to get your mind off of those first-coupla-days cravings?

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15 Respuestas

Its a lot of mind over matter to me,when you find yourself thinking about it,think about something else,drink a big glass of water if you think you need to eat something,I find the best thing is to change my thought process.I have not smoked since the 1st.,I knew my trigger would be when I drank beer,it wasnt that hard,I dont know,I think being around people who smoke & bars doesnt help but thats hard to avoid if thats part of your life style,I have changed some of that & that didnt hurt anything either, hope this helps,   Ed S.

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well today is just my 1st day cold turkey no patches or gum...but so far i can tell that i'm gonna eat eat eat...but its really not that bad i dont think i have actually said i need or i want a cigarette...i have been saying to myself i dont want a cigarette i've not really had a craving...its been like ed says a change in the thought process...i have snacked more today than usual but i was prepared, only healthy little debbie's...because in the end...little debbie is not my friend...

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Chew sugarfree gum! I am on day 12. I am determined not to gain a massive amount of weight! Cut up carrot slices, but them in a bag or bowl of ice water and keep it next to you.  What helped me get through the first couple of days of cold turkey was reading. If you get absorbed in a good book time will pass easier. It only takes 3 days for that feeling that your stomach is being ripped out to stop! You can do it!!!

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Gaining weight, for me, wouldn't be such a bad thing. I have an already overactive metabolism, and having smoked for so long, I sneeze and I lose 5 pounds.  I could stand a healthy 10 pounds more.

The trick definitely is the diversion, mentally.  LOVE the book reading idea - I can totally see that helping!!!  Working out helps me too, given i'm in an environment that allows for it!

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I come up with things to postpone, and then it ends up completely going away for hours. When it comes back, I postpone again. When I crave a cig, first I look around the house for things to clean, like, okay, are the dishes caught up, hey, there's a load of laudry. I go online, come to this site and start reading everyone elses struggles and triumphs and I feel like, okay, I too can get past this! I play with my kids, animals, go for walks, read books, anything that's enjoyable to me that will help continue to postpone that cig, until I've postponed it all the way into another day!!!

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okay, i mispelled laundry, that's gonna drive me crazy 🙂

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This is day 11 fo me, and not even a puff. I have quit about 4 times in the last 12 months, but lasted only days to a few weeks. I have learned a lot from these attempts. The best thing for me is to just keep busy. Cleaning and organinzing my house really help me. Also, Facebook is a great diversion for me. Because I don't smoke in my house that has helped, so if I stay busy in my house I do pretty well. Right now, I'm pretty much avoiding people who smoke, at least for awile andI have explained that to my smoking family and friends.

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Eat hot peppers! Makes you think about how hot your mouth is... and not how much you want a butt!

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instead of saying to myself, "I can't have a cigarette."  I say, "I don't do that anymore."  somehow, that puts it in the past for me and tricks my brain a little..... most of the time........ when i make it through this, how do i kick my new lollipop habit????

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