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Give and get support around quitting


Begin, begun, be what?

My quit is not going so well. It's all on me and I know that. My drop dead date is still October 1, but I'm going for long stretches at a time without smoking. Doing a lot of soul searching and reading Carr's book. I'm rereading "Why is it so hard to quit" right now. I'll get it done, but sort of embarrassed, and wanted to let y'all know what's happening out here. I'm changing my quit date to October 1 and if I do go 24 before then, I'll change it back. 

Still reading!

43 Replies

October 1st is a good date to quit. It's the date I quit last year with my husband and we are very close to celebrating one year free.

You can do this - allow yourself to have bad days, but also allow yourself to be rewarded for each day won. It's doable and you will love being free;)


Be rational.  Be determined!

You said yourself you are the master of rationalization.  Rationalize why smoking is not an option any longer.  Make a list of reasons why you want to quit and how your life will be so much better once you are quit!  Determination can get you through....have you ever heard the expression fake it til you make it?  Well...pretend to be a non-smoker meaning don't smoke until you make it and feel like an ex-smoker.  Sounds crazy but it works.  One day at a time or sometimes just one second at a time.....

The best thing that worked for me was telling myself, "I don't do that anymore!"  


That's my personal challenge. Like I said, turn it around and make it work for me in a healthful way. I don't need to smoke; I want to smoke. That's just plain stupid. I'm avoiding smoking situations today as best I can. I did take a walk and doubled my length (half mile today). I'm gonna beat this thing and that's that. Fake it till you make it is good advice. 

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ex quit 3.jpgI changed mine in the beginning also is okay but don't wait to long sometimes all the cutting down before the quit can wear down your nerves and incentive so  go easy on yourself save some excitement for the big day ! don't be afraid or nervous be excited about the great change and journey  you will be on !!!quit want it.jpg


                                                    sayings quit 1 free.jpg


Thank you for sharing and you are doing great keep on keeping on blog blog blog . Welcome to your NEW nicotine free life one breath at a time 


It looks like tomorrow might be the day. I'm about out of cigarettes and refuse to buy or bum more. That's kind of my line in the sand. I'll update you midday tomorrow. 

I played cards with smoking friends tonight and announced my intention. I was met with nothing but support. It's open window season, but the smokers told me they'd go outside next week. 

In the 70s, I had a friend who quit cigarettes by smoking pot. If only it was that easy! P.S. She no longer smokes pot and did quit smoking back then. 


<------My new best friend.

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you could make cinnamon toothpicks too.  🙂

0 Kudos

That's a good idea. I'll order some. They'd be a lot less expensive than the sticks (which are much less expensive than cigareetes). 

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DonnaMarie‌ Remember we are here today when the real quit starts.  I bought cinnamon sticks but never used them, love the idea of the toothpicks.  Cinnamon is a wonderful spice.  When you are with your smoking friends again, put a little dab of Vicks under your nose, it will help to camouflage the smell of the smoke...even if they go outside to smoke.  It's a great tool.
