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Give and get support around quitting


Been on here 5 months, haven't introduced myself!

I am on my 4th day of a new smoke-free phase of my life! I had previously smoked for 10 years, about a pack a day. Many of my previous attempts have lasted no more than 1-2 days, and they had been numerous. I did have one 2-3 month quit four years ago. My primary motivation is the long-term health benefits of not smoking. I have changed some of my behaviors, and was tracking my cigarettes before I quit. I now track my nicotine gum intake in much the same way. This site is very helpful and informative. Might be a life-saver!
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3 Replies

Welcome and best of luck on your quit. I'm confident that you can do this. I started my quit Aug. 25th of this year and I'm 85 days into it and loving it. I started in my teens and finally quit after 18 years of tobacco addiction. Like most people on this site, I honestly wondered if I could ever quit. Yet here I am not having had a puff in nearly 3 months. I logged into this site assuming it would just be a nice thing to do along with my other quit aids (Chantix, Nicorette), and it turned out to be the most effective aspect of my quit. I dropped the Chantix two weeks in and the Nicorette one month in. This website is what really helped me understand the nature of my addiction and what I'd be experiencing. Keep logging in, listening to others and helping those new to the site. Teaching helps reinforce what you've learned.

Best of luck and keep us posted on your progress,
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Thanks for the advice, Jeff!
You're really making great progress. I hope and pray that I can make it some more months, but, then again, one day at a time! This site has really been very helpful, so you should notice my footprints here and there... here's to remaining smoke-free!
All the best,
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Hello John! I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you because I didn't join this site until August. I hope that you're doing well. I'm real glad that you're here. After my last relapse, it took me 30 years to quit again. There was no modern technology like there is today. I look forward to reading your posts!
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