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Give and get support around quitting


Attitude of Gratitude

I'm grateful for nearly 4 weeks smoke free and the support of my friends on this site.
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73 Respuestas

I am grateful today for these marvels in my life:

I am a non-smoker!

I have the means to live my life without financial help from anyone!

Despite 53 years of smoking and eating a horrible, unhealthy diet all my life, I am healthy!

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I am grateful for:  my family, my job, my health, my home, and this web site

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my name is Lois, i am greatful for notsmokeing,  my husband , my kids.

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I am grateful that God has allowed me not to have any type of respiratory disease even though I smoked for a long time.

I am also grateful that I am able to do the things I really like to.

I am grateful for my friends and family

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Today I am grateful for birdsong. After a long harsh winter waking to the sound of birds every morning is truly a gift.

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Today I am grateful for:

My willingness to quit smoking and the ability to stay smoke free.

Finding the motivation last evening to get my tomatoes and peppers planted

The leftover Diet Pepsi in my work fridge that still has a little fizz.

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Today I am grateful for the gift of life.  I am grateful for shelter. I am grateful for new friendships.

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I am greatful for my EXfamily ,  my home ,  frienda

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Today I am grateful for my sense of smell. It wasn't too long ago that my sinuses were all jacked up from smoking. Four years later my sense of smell is so good, it's almost like having a super power! It seems like I can smell things before they happen! lol


I have a BIG grateful GREATFULL!!   A kind giving friend, that I rarely see, but we always think about each other.  someone I have known since 1985.  We texted a few times and she knew I was really struggling with my esteem, confidence, my anxiety and depression.  so she texted me "Ter, I am on your street right now.  I just want to drop something off for you.  you don't have to come to the door, I will just hang it on your doorknob."  well, I was feeling strong this morning....late morning.....and i texted back "come on in".  And we had an hour and a half of laughs, a few tears, remembering times, and playing with my little dog.  We chatted and laughed part of that time in my backyard as we also pulled weeds.  It was EXACTLY what I needed.  Human contact, of the positive uplifting variety.  Best thing that happened to me in a long time!!!I am grateful for my dear friend Susie!!  bless her heart!!!

hope y0u you Gratitude peeps don't mind.   am going to put this on my blog too.