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Article written by a "now" non smoker and the product nicocure

you might have to copy and paste this into the address box to view it. Was interested what others in here would think about this. Read lot's of reviews on it. Of course it's a little costly. But it got great reviews from Top Consumer
Also was reading about a product that I actually bought but haven't used called Nicogel. You rub it in your hands and you don't feel like a cigarette for up to four hours. You can buy it at Walgreens or online. As you can see I'm looking up as much information as I can since I can't use Chantix.
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3 Replies

I wouldn't advise using this product. There are a bunch of approved aids that will help with the quit. If you can't use Chantix.....then the patch, gum, lozenges, inhaler etc. are available.

Any of these will help. Nothing will make you quit smoking. The thing that will make you quit smoking is the true desire and committment to quit.

I have quit many many times but always went back. I have used ever quit smoking gimmick that they made from hypnosis, to a little device called lifesign that told me when I could smoke. None of these worked because I wasn't ready.

Quitting is hard....but continuing to smoke will eventually be harder.

This time I am comiitted, I have a plan, I know what to do when the cravings kick in, , I avoid the situations where I am tempted whenever possible.

You can do this. Follow the becomeanex plan. Come to this site often for support from your new nonsmoking friends, who are also quitting Read the facts about smoking and quitting at www.whyquit,com take control of your quit.

The only person that can make you quit is you. You can do this!!

Susan - Free and Healing for Two Months, Three Days, 20 Hours and 23 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 23 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1149 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $331.29.
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Susan, you really said it beautifully and agree with everything you said 100%
Chantix.....then the patch, gum, lozenges, inhaler etc. are available and proven medical track record that they help
Hypnosis, accupuncture, nicocure, etc don't have a proven record medically but who knows maybe they might work for you
I tried the quick fix methods but realized they were just gimmicks to capitalize on "quick" solutions to stop smoking, and like diet pills, none really worked.
This time though worked the plan and so far 107 days smoke free
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Wow! Congratulations on the 107 days. I am coming up behind you.

We both know that the truth does set us free.....and the truth is that it needs to be your time and your committment.

Rock the quits!

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