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Give and get support around quitting


Quitting on May 5

Crap, I'm starting to get nervous already, just thinking about going through the whole quitting thing again. I'm assuming anybody that's smoked for any length of time has tried to quit before, and knows what I mean. I feel like this time I've got a better plan than ever before, including a serious chat with my doctor, and committing myself to seeking out a community like this. I'm becoming more and more conscious of each cigarette I have during the day, and looking at why I'm doing it, and how bad I'm wanting it. It's surprising how often it's easy to put it off for another 5 or 10 minutes... sometimes.

Luck to all!
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12 Replies

Hey, Steve. May 5 is my quit date as well. And I'm just as nervous as you are. Sounds like we have a lot of the same feelings about this
whole thing. Want to try to help each other get thru this?
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Absolutely. Are you thinking about any medications? Isn't it weird how once you say you're going to do it, the thought pops into your head almost as often as the urge to have a smoke? Too bad you can't get a taste of this part of it before you get hooked on the things, no?
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I know what you mean. If we only knew then what we know now!
I think I will try the patch. I was originally going to use Chantix, but I'm hearing more and more about the side-effects
of it and it scared me a little. Quitting is stressful enough-don't know that I want to add nightmares and suicidal thoughts to
that mix!!
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After 38 years of smoking and unfortunately enjoying it , I found this site and am going to try to give it up for good. This is my first serious attempt. Went 2 days last Sept but didn't have any strategy or exercises to rely on. I am taking Chantix and the only side effect I have experienced is short bouts of nausea. Not even these if I take it with a meal. Have talked to people that have had weird dreams but not nightmares. A few gave suicide a passing thought but nothing really serious, I work with 2 people taking it and they have had NO side effects at all. If you do decide to take it they say to have someone close to you observe your behavior for changes. My husband says it's hard to tell with me as I've always been a little goofy. ha ha!! I am planning to set a date in May but want to work on these stratigies and exercises first. The Chantix has really helped with the urge to smoke and I have cut my smoking in half without trying too hard. The urge just isn't there like it used to be. I can now work my 13 hour shift and only go out once for a smoke instead of 5 times like before. Anyway, good luck. God is my partner in this and I will rely heavily on Him and remember all of you on this site in prayer. Together we can do this. I just joined this site last night and can tell that the support of this group is awesome. BECOME AN EX ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Connie. I laughed at your first sentence. It blows me away how I can hate something and enjoy it at the same
time, but there you go. I actually e-mailed my doc at about 4 this morning about Chantix and now have the
prescription waiting at the pharmacy. I changed my mind after being up for several hours in the middle of the
night last night and decided the benefits were worth the risks of side-effects, and I really have heard more good
than bad since I joined this site. Your input helps me to feel more comfortable in my decision.
Now let's go medieval on this smoking habits ass!!!
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my quit date is may 1st, ive been a casual smoker since i was 16... im now 19 and have fluxuated from a half pack to a whole pack a day. im super nervous as well, but im thinking of using the patch and gum together. i start tomorrow cutting down til the big day!
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Good luck! It happens that way, you know. You start out with just a few cigarettes a day and then the next thing you know you're at
a pack or even more a day. For awhile, I was doing 2 packs of 100's a day and I was horrified when I realized it!!
It's great that you're doing this while you're still so young. Be proud of yourself and don't end up like me, quitting because I HAVE to
for my health at 41!
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Hey All, My quit date is May 3rd. Smoking not for 40yrs so while I still enjoy it or so I tell myself, I am psyched about quitting. My younger brother was just diagnosed with lung cancer stage 3 so I have a real good motivation. I wish I had been smarter when the first one I had made me cough and choke and tasted like dog poo. So this is my birthday month. My birhtday month for real and my birthday month for quitting. Good luck to all of us! Oh, I am using the patch 21mg. I quit years ago with it 3months on it and 3months off. Wussed out and started up again. All us May people gotta hang together and support each other. Just don't get mad at me if I am a tad *itchy some days ok? All the best, Lily
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Hello! My quit date is May 4. I quit for 20 years (1st time cold turkey thru the American Lung Assoc gave class at workplace so decided to do it) and after some life events started up again. I NEVER thought that would happen. I remember the 1st time I quit I had to stay away from smokers and places that allowed smoking, but after 3-4 months I didn't have the urge until 2006. It started out slowly, once or twice a year and then when I was drinking. Never buying them myself instead bumming them from everyone around me. Then one day I bought a pack. That was it. Like the others said below, my quit date is all I think about. The thing is I really dont like smoking (closet smoker at work) but cant image what I am going to do with myself at break, on the phone, coffee in the morning etc. The commercial for this program is what caught my eye; something about being able to leave the house without smoking. I just can't remember what it was like to Not have those urges. Oh well - good luck to all of us May Quitters!
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